
so how does the conversation go if one of these two is traded and they end up on the same team one day?

"Gosh...I told Kellen Winslow to meet in the Boston Market parking lot next to Mile High, NOT the Target parking lot."

Imagine how many paleo casseroles his crossfit bros are going to make...here dude, it's a pine nut and ribeye bake, see ya, gotta go do some WODs...

I'm from Northwest Indiana, and was born/raised as close to Chicago as many in the Illinois suburbs, went to school at Loyola, lived in Chicago for 8 or so years, and I can tell you that people in Illinois hate Indiana. Also, Indiana is also a really easy target, what with the rural America cornfield cliches, so it

I find it funny that a lot of states hate New York, which is probably true considering the way NYers run their mouths.

Pennsylvania: everyone around it, with the southwest and southeast hating the "T." It's a hate-filled state. (I transplanted to Pittsburgh from the Chicago-area)

just legalize all drugs and let them play

now that you mention it, he does have sad eyes...

Please tell me this is a mistake. Someone is joking, right? This can't be real...

your nerdy lawyer joke should do well around here

flopping in football...not a good sign at all for the NFL when it's being compared to the NBA...

Dude, you need to learn to relax. It's a noticeable fact that's kind of funny, and you're assuming I'm making a judgement about it. Maybe I just don't get my panties in a bunch when someone mentions race because I'm comfortable talking about it...

The one question that I'd like to hear him answer: "do you intentionally try to field the whitest team in the NFL?"

Flopping, "hard fouls" and fake fighting (hold me back!) - just a few of MANY reasons why the NBA is a joke

Dear ESPN:

Antisemitic holocaust-denying comedian? Sounds hilarious. He should join the members of the Westboro Baptist Church for a sketch comedy tour.

in Rob Ford's defense, he was in a drunken stupor

oh wow, a dunk in the NBA. I'm amazed.

Who cares if she says words

someone forgot to tell Pennsylvania that prohibition ended: the state still controls liquor, and no joke, moon-shinning is still a problem for the federal attorney's office....