e jerry powell

Frank could’ve branched out into real estate, owned fruitful avocado trees, and fathered a full brood of mini Semyons … but he’d never be completely at ease in a job where he couldn’t threaten uncooperative partners with dental trauma.

Because consistency eases the brain.

Apparently, the football team and the baseball team are in some parallel St. Louis, because both teams are the Rhinos.

It's as though there was a neon sign over Hecate's head: "Too immature to be seriously formidable." Let's remember, she didn't attack her mother directly, she relied on Vanessa and Ethan to do that, and it wasn't even effective manipulation on Hecate's part. She cleaned up the mess after the havoc was already wrought.

Just the hair. Her little petulant act wore thin rather quickly.

At least Caliban has the decency to show a little vulnerability. I see a fire happening in Dorian's gallery by the end of season 3.

Hmmm. I'm going to trust that Hecate was at least born after 1870, though there's nothing out there to convince me of that (going with the fact that Picture of Dorian Gray was first published in 1891, and allowing for the potential London copycat of Grand Guignol in around 1897).

Wait: the other brother is the reason Mina is dead. I'm very confused, because I thought the got him. Maybe they just ran him off.

You've been rooting around in my skull, haven't you?

… but defeating the dark lord himself shouldn’t be quite that easy.

For the record, this episode is titled "Alien Impostors"

And seriously horrible problems with ex-wives!

Again, as Margaret Cho put it back in 2001: "But I guarantee if straight men had a period, you would never hear the end of it."

The dudebros brought it upon themselves, no?

I’m pretty sure it’s the number one fear/complaint of comedy dudebros that female comedians are going to talk about their periods, to which I have to say: So the fuck what?!

Was anybody?

The Inferno is my jam, bitches!

Apparently dildo artists were let loose at London Pride. Confused the shit out of some poor people at CNN.

Whiskey dick is whiskey dick. Some things are just beyond the power of even the most powerful sex magic. Trust me on this.

Whiskey dick make me sick.