e jerry powell

I put that pussy on the chain wax with my prayers.

Try and tell a shrill black woman to get out of church.

Comedy is subjective.

(But I’m concerned about the fact that they completely forgot about their takeout food.)

I’d have preferred a more noble way to lure Olivia back into the fold.

That doesn't sound bipolar at all…

I don't know. I haven't tasted you.

Maybe you just want to kiss Wendy Testaburger.

You haven't tried to press my hair. It's not cute.

Really, I thought that the W.H. hookup that Olivia got her is worthy of at least a little gratitude, even if the rest of the staff insists on calling her NotOlivia.

Oh, but:
We NEVER see Olivia in a pool without a swim cap on. SHE KNOWS. We saw Olivia in the shower with Fitz, and her hair was visibly starting to go back, and yet after that shower (and a fair amount of sex time with no satin pillows visible), when Cyrus busted in on Olirz, Miss Thing's hair was still laid for

And considering that she was flying from Eastern Africa, that's the better part of a day (on a private jet; commercially it's 22 hours, but she wouldn't have had room to press her hair, even in first class).

Out of curiosity: did you see Chris Rock's documentary Good Hair?
It's very difficult for a professional black woman to be taken seriously wearing natural hair. There haven't been many studies (because, really, what statistician would care enough to find funding to do one), but there is lots of anecdotal evidence.

Ice Cream Planet is floating around, be patient. Or go to the recap for HTGAWM.

Fitz has a nice rack.
Fitz is the worst.
Fitz has a nice rack.
Fitz's penis is pretty equal opportunity (ask Amanda Tanner — NEVER FORGET)
Fitz is the worst.
Fitz has a nice rack.
Fitz has good oral skills.
Fitz is the worst.
Fitz has a nice rack.

Too, too true.

I don't want to be a prude about it, I really don't, but something is still disturbingly shocking with the whole thing. Shonda wants more men all over women's clits on television, it seems.

True, at least when the President did it to Liv on that butcher block at the end of season two, all the Kids of America were already in bed.

That was the most fun, particularly because it was bullshit!

Ellen Parsons, only drippier.