
Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.

I remember flying pre-9/11 days and how great it was that my parents would walk me to the gate to board and my grandparents would be at the gate to greet me. Now I would rather drive to my destination than fly.  It has just become a horrible experience between the increased wait-times on security (being at the airport

I’ve worked for a “premium european car company” and was in the prototype department for a few years. I can say this protype from Tesla looks LOADS better than the prototypes we were churning out. Don’t know why tonnes of people here want to bash Tesla at the slightest missteps. Here’s another clue. Tesla managed to

Neat. How were the 50's? 

“It shows the Wrangler, in both two-door and four-door trim, as the most-marked-up car in twenty four states — nearly half the country, for those of you who didn’t ace your fourth-grade geography tests.”

Frankly, not really, no. Their history isn’t being ‘dismantled’, it’s being temporarily deconstructed and then reconstructed to allow a ship to pass. Is their council backtracking on an earlier promise? Yeah, sounds like it. Could they be kicked out of office as a result? Yep for sure. Is it possible that council

But we aren’t talking about BLM, we are talking about these fools now. Why must deflection always take place. The looting was not ok then but that was then, now we are talking now.

Hey David Tracy, you see all that rust?  I have a bridge to sell you.

The non rich don’t have the money or incentive to convert their cars, not right now anyway. Only the rich do, thus the conversions will be limited to the rich until something changes socially.


What a dick response by Farah. Ya, those people with surfboards on the roofs are patrons of the businesses there. All businesses have No Loitering law signs posted, don't clog up someone's private property and feel entitled to it.

could care less how big of a dick dude was. Ford issued orders DO NOT MARK UP RESERVATIONS and what do they do?

They broke the rules. So FUCK EM. Dealer got off too easy. Fuckin cheaters.

I think you grossly underestimate the dedication of retro tech enthusiasts.

You know how some NP/ND cars look great on the outside but a peek under the hood reveals a tangled mess of DIY-looking odds and ends? On these V-12 Jags it looks like that right from the factory! Still, this one is very good shape, low enough miles. For a brave individual this is a NP.

To the comment section: If you want this to live, buy it new MFs. Don’t do it dirty like every other car that you claim to want, only buy used, and are shocked gets cancelled.

Plus, it might streamline some process used to make all dash screens. Something like, “All dash displays need to display the following symbols:...” and then you load it right up and put them in.

You know if they do a full on Monkey Island cross over it would be the thing that finally makes me play Sea of Thieves

It's the double strike of boring AND bland that I don't like. The original GTO was boring for the time, but it also had Pontiac's distinctive design language. The new one? Without seeing the arrowhead, you couldn't tell if it was a Ford, or a Chrysler, or a Chevy, or what because it was that vanilla. *shrug* If they


This is how it should have been done: With all the GM concept bits on it...(1 of 2)