
no way to automate it, nobody has time in a factory making a car every 50 secs to do that. Dealer installed would be best bet.

no way to automate it, nobody has time in a factory making a car every 50 secs to do that. Dealer installed would be best bet.

then add self leveling and washers to makem leagal and presto 150USD cost and a 500 USD option. 

mandated in the EU since 2018

You can get aftermarket headlights, but 99,99% of them are not homologated and therefore ilegal in civilised countries. brighter for you, murder for those in front. OEM headlights that do not blind other drivers have a lot of tech in them and a lot of cost. Let’s make hood ornaments (that impail pedestrians) great

A phev you never charge by plugging in is worse on emissions than an ICE as it carries 150 kgs of gear with it. But if a blackbox could record how much energy you get from the grid and how much from burning fuel and woyld report to the local tax authority, it would be a way to keep subsidies and adavantages for those

So Toyota burried cash in stock/inventory, stock that prevented updates (And that’s why they have safety recalls.in the millions and not the tens of thousands). Maybe the cost of this strategy was more expensive than the production it could do during this crisis.

Lol, OEM tyres the best you can get and the only ones tested to a SPEC not designed by the manufacturer!

How can you say that you want your vehicles to be safe after driving the postal jeep? Was there saracasm I couldn’t detect?

Compared to most defense research projects, that one is cheap, and could also treackle down to vehicles built for other busineeses. 

Yeah, that was about12 years ago, no problems for the sandero 2 though. 

german economy cars don’t have AC... why would northern US states “need” it? 

Diplomats drive what they are given...

it was the audi A2, the one with the non oppeninh hood for the user

Mr Torchinsky, have you ever imagined that underneath the hood of the car the should be an empty space to protect let’s say a pedestrian hit by yout car from cracking his skull wide open? And that shoving hard luggage under said hood will negate any measures taken by design engineers to protect such pedestrian head

And where does it exhaust the hot air?

It just had fill points upfront and you couldn't open the hood unless you were the service .....

YYeah, because fluis reservoirs don’t need to insure self bleeding, shorter pipe legth or crash integrity, they are placed there just to make you dizzy

CAn iT ToW mY bOaT?

My god, are you really an engineer? Lights are bought of the shelf to do the job, not to meet estehetic criteria. Since they aren't reflectors, side markers that small will work. Window in window is not there for the subaru look, but because it's the biggest size drop down to fit the door