She Said It

But what about the cookies that go with your tea? You can’t have tea without cookies! I believe that’s an actual law someplace (probably Ireland).

I find I no longer have words to express my loathing for this lying, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, useless piece of garbage. How anyone can deal with him on a daily basis and not punch him right in the nose is beyond me. I can’t listen to him speak, I can’t bear what he has done to this country. Pieces of shit have

I stopped wearing Lane Bryant when I told the salesperson I needed a plain white blouse (for my mother’s funeral, I also explained this) and she brought me sequins in every color BUT white. Not just sequins, mind you, most had that off the shoulder nonsense. My mother would have risen from her coffin and thrown a coat

I watched a Bond marathon with my son on Mother’s Day. What can I say, brunch is too crowded and nothing beats a Smoque BBQ feast at home in your jammies. We had a movie theater (the Music Box in Chicago, still going strong) that showed two first run movies back to back on weekends. Great for parents who wanted to get

It’s a name. It’s not important. it’s what makes you happy. I took my husband’s name when we married back in the day and when I turned 40 I reverted to my maiden name because it was way cooler (I thought). He didn’t care, my son kept his last name and we were all content But in the end, it doesn’t matter. A rose by

We battled cancer for 39 months. Good days, bad days, good treatments, horrible treatments. I also didn’t sleep (still don’t) but unlike you I eat everything but the wallpaper. All I can say is stay strong and love each other.

He chooses his life. Every time he steps to that podium (or bush) and spouts the lies and obfuscation that characterize this administration, he’s making a choice to live a deceitful life. He doesn’t have to do this job. If he hated his life, he could quit.

My husband died of Stage 4 colon cancer and during his treatment we discovered his grandmother and two uncles died the same way. I insisted my son go for a colonoscopy at 31. Several polyps were discovered and removed. The doctor said okay see you in 7 years and I was like hell no. NEXT year and every year. He’s

I think it’s his eyes. He has little teeny tiny eyes. Or something. Something odd about those eyes.

You went 10 seconds further than I did. You really do deserve an award.

I feel sorry for her children. No child deserves a fatuous piece of shit for a mother. And an idiot for a father, and we all know what their grandfathers are. It’s not their fault. But, G-d forgive me, her children will probably grow up to be as bad, or worse.


This bitch can kiss my ass. Along with her whole woeful family. They make me sick.

And I was about to say that only Chance the Rapper could make a jacket from a thrift store on Clark look cool. Never mind.

Hey!!!! I have black friends!!!! I’m cool! They know I don’t mean it! Stop being so uptight bro!

And that coworker is probably now the Secretary of Racism and Assholery. Welcome to Trump nation.

I go MAD when I see people with rosaries around their necks or wrists. I say the rosary every day. It’s a comfort thing. It’s my meditation time. It is whatever it is. What’s it’s not is jewelry.

Mary is the boss in Ireland.

As an Irish Catholic, you forgot the Kennedys. No Irish Catholic home was complete without a picture of JFK. In my house it was Mary, Jesus, Kennedy, Pope. I have always had a particular reverence for Mary and refuse to debate it with anyone. As for Kim and her candle . . . she can go fuck herself. I find it very

Al Franken may be a former comedy writer, but from what I have seen, he has proven to be an intelligent, thoughtful, honest politician. Were he to run for President, I would RUN to vote for him. And I don’t run anywhere :)