LOL!! No, fuck YOU!!!!! LOL!!
LOL!! No, fuck YOU!!!!! LOL!!
no - it’s pencil-neck schiff!
Who says anyone’s angry? Could just be a total asshole.
dim politicians make a career of trying to make people jealous of “rich” people - just not the many (very) rich dims, of course!
They don’t have any wiggle room on ANY of these cars - they’re losing money on every one!
You can’t say that - it has “son” in it....
It’s part of “the lingo”...
I had a tiny little fawn, about two feet high, run next to me along the side of the road for about 50 feet - I was just hoping that little bastard wouldn’t run under me....
So very true. Yet, they will continue to insist they are “right,” when they are just clueless.
LOL!! It’s “amusing” how that seems OK to some people viewing this situation....but, man, would they bitch about others...
They probably get a very nice reward when they get back to work.
Sure beats looking at moochelle’s truck-sized ass lumbering up those stairs...
Correct grammar these days is abhorred by the PC masses. “Anything goes” is the mantra, “as long as you’re happy!”
Stock Harleys are very quiet. Most Harley owners, like virtually all motorcycle owners, make their first “improvement” a noisy exhaust.
...along with lots of brake repairs from the deteriorated fluid.
They have used DOT 5 for decades. I don’t think they’ve changed that - maybe they have.
That is the typically recommended change interval for most anything’s brake fluid. The point is to do it BEFORE it goes bad!
An engine stopping unexpectedly most certainly IS a safety issue!
As on any motor vehicle....