eric holder

Usually, one cannot contract away one’s own liability.

So?! The drivers are damaged to that extent, plus fees.

The problem is that she will still “get a ticket,” whether or not she is driving. That’s the fundamental problem with these stupid cameras. They are fining the car, not the driver.

LOL!! I read this out of idle curiosity. I must say, it is the most comically anti-Trump thing I have ever read, and I’ve seen and heard a lot over the last couple of years!

Right - it was on a TV show you like, so it’s universal fact!

They call it that because it’s one of the things firefighters use to enthusiastically destroy people’s stuff in the name of “saving” it!

It’s REALLY hard to get electrocuted with DC.

Have these people never heard of taxis?

No - YOU do that!!

Yes - just pretend you’re going out with your similarly mindless friends. Actually, have one of them pick you up....

Take some time off.

And, hopefully, after ten or so years of such stupidity and incompetence, YOU would also be fired!

That’s why it’s called “insurance.”

You should ALWAYS want to have the car for more than five or so years!!

The vast majority of IRRESPONSIBLE Americans....

“agreeance” is not a word.

It’s like people who run for president. It’s such a shitty job, the LAST people you want in the job are the ones who seek it...

...and they’re right....

Management sure is/was...

Cops (note they’re mostly black) with a throwdown piece?!?! NEVER before heard of!!