e holder

Sorry, but I don’t see this totally killing VW. Yeah, its gonna be shitty for a while, but I fully expect them to rebound in 6 months to a year once this all blows over.

The software in question does not affect handling, consumption or emissions.”

Wait wasnt this whole thing started by emissions?

This test mode will deactivate all the safety systems completely you say? How do I access it?

this aint nam, there are rules!

I thought it would be Ferrari, just to get an SC out and force everyone to pit.

They bought a Mk iv Golf?

Check his bank accounts! I suspect you’ll find a large deposit from one F. Briatore.

Kind of like Iran is going to be self checking its nucelar facilities!

Why did the Dingus cross the road... to ensure a Ferrari conspiratorial victory... get it?

I wouldn’t expect orange peel to be left on a Bentley. It can be polished out by hand which is what I would expect on a $300,000 car. Orange peel is better than death though

So. Much. Orange Peel.

Mmmmm...’bedliner finish’ option, my favorite!

look at that freakin orangepeel. the only way that would be acceptable on a toyota would be on the rocker panels, because its on top of undercoating.

Is that a filter, or is that shit paint actually on a Merc? Man, that looks terrible.

weatherman’s weapon identification guide:

It’s only an assault knife if it has a scope...

Unless he’s in a Humvee or other large vehicle I don’t see how he was able to shoot himself in the leg with a rifle while riding in a Benz. Either he’s amazingly talented, stupid or he shot himself with his pistol.