
I'll fucking kill you.

Some time after I posted that, I realized what I actually put up there was "The Light Cat". Correctly translated, Hellcat becomes Die Höllenkatze, which sounds even MORE Wagnerian!

Translate Hellcat into German, and you wind up with something that sounds like the title of a lost Wagner opera - Die Hellkatze.

Queens dont drive?

If Jalopnik commenters were to be believed, Cadillac would give the ATS-V away for free. Some of you are completely irrational when it comes to price.

This Caddy is finally expected to appeal to younger buyers.

Singer 911 is it really a question?

No, I REALLY want a new Singer 911. I'd also like Selma Hayek and Halle Berry together, in a ball pit, naked and wrestling in custard, sadly I can't afford that either.

Yep. That and an Icon Bronco would be an awesome two-car stable.

Wait, I have an "unlimited budget" for a 911??? I am SO going with Singer!

Nah, this is

Chinook? I want an Apache

Ideal garage of two? Ideal garage of two.

Oh internet, never change

Hey kids! Free candy!


Thats mescaline not mezcal

My worst time was when I drank some Mezcal. I decided to walk home. Not far from the bar I found a horse so I climbed on and decided to ride him home. Not too long after that I realized I was being followed by a firetruck. It got stranger. Ahead was a huge pig. Ahead of the pig was a pink unicorn. We were all going

It's nice to see one of these pretty close to stock