
Do you say 74” so it makes you sound taller than 6’2”?

Jalopnik-special (i.e., no options) C400 4MATIC.

Used doesn’t count, otherwise I’d trump your S600 with a eBay-special Bentley of some kind.

Old folks buy Lincolns, and old folks think FWD is “safer”, so they continue to cater to their (dwindling) core demo.

I would waaaaaaaaay rather have a Defender.

15-large would be NP if it was near-mint and unmolested.

The S gets 180 MPG?

Buy this lil’ POS...

Gold calipers = CF brakes!

No front brakes and no helmet. Smart.

Put $5,300 back in your pocket.

What’s this little mess here?

Tentacle Party... YAY!!!

I’m betting the quoted 5.8 results from a clutch-dump at a gazillion RPM with drag-strip surface conditions. I’d be surprised to see the average driver break 7.0 consistently.

You forgot to add “and get off my lawn!”

Why not just turn down the blue light settings on your monitor and save the $$$?

Why not just turn down the blue light settings on your monitor and save the $$$?

So we put plexiglass here so you can show off your supercharger.....’s plastic cover.

The seller says he’s put 3,000 miles on the combined marriage so far.

Now playing

Nothing... I mean NOTHING beats the sound of a large-displacement V12.