
I feel a new windex commercial coming on...

Bingo. Many pilots do this. It really does help. When you're flying the plane, you dont want that kind of distraction...

They used to allow that just about everywhere. The US has stopped all of that over the last 10 years though.

Where is it that the pilot goes on the right? Here in the U.S. the standard is the pilot on the left in fixed-wing aircraft, and on the right in rotary-wing. I did not know any countries went reverse seats in fixed-wing. Can you better educate me on this? I would actually like to know this because I never thought

I think I need to move to NYC lol

Me? JK, you can trust me... I'm a doctor... Well, I play one on tv... Ok maybe I don't...

Agree 100% thank you.

You also might have a problem when the Government bans all the soap...

I guess they don't believe in cleanliness! haha, I knew that mixup would happen a lot today.

Hahahahaha sad thing this is my generation *holds head in shame*

or by hitting Esc (stop) when the page loads

Absolutely... and they have to cite all their references... and email it to me by midnight...

OMG seriously? Milk? wow... people scare me.

Maybe he'll notice the "Learn More" link soon...

He sure is a smart one!


Definetly the comic I thought of when they announced they were going to do this in the first place.

Uh, no... I read morons. I am immediately attracted to the retarded stuff people say online.

Wait, really?? Why have I not known of this magnificent law?

Most likely, and I will say "Son, I remember before that war... and I remember when that war started... it started because of ignorant people like you."