The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
I have kids (10 and 7) who watch the Disney/Nickelodeon shows.
In 1988, that hair was awesome...cuz my girlfriend had it too... that and a Benetton sweater, with some Guess jeans... finger licking good. Me? Girbaud jeans and a V-neck feeling me 80’s folks?
Also as a side note-I’m not so sure their God would be into the large amount of face make up Michelle is wearing.
How about we just say that no matter what you weigh, you are free to want to lose weight for whatever reason or you are free to be like fuck yeah, I’m good just the way I am. I mean yeah, it’s refreshing to hear that (as someone who is super tall and weighs more than that as a result) but lets not hate on our 135…
OMG yes - Bertrice Small is somethign else! Also Susan Johnson had some pretty major rape fantasy going early on. Also of course Woodiwiss classic TWTD!
When Natasha mentioned the writers that she met I was wishing I could have met Bertice. Sky O’Malley!! This is totally bizarre but I actually still remember the first sentence of Flame: “Somewhere in the world, time no doubt whistled by on taut widespread wings but here in the English countryside it plodded slowly, as…
I still love Kathleen Woodiwiss though. I don’t remember any rapey scene in Shanna, which is my all time favourite romance. The Wolf and the Dove though... I remember reading that at 14 and hyperventilating.
Sorry if this refreshes the horror but I was literally traumatized by one entry about a woman, her dog and Bovril. (the weird part is that I clearly remember the name of dog food 36 years later! I had never heard of it before or since) Stranger still I’ve heard guys I know joke about their dogs and peanut butter…
I know, right? I went through a heavy historical romance novel period in my teen years - mostly because they satisfied both my horniness and love of history but once I outgrew that and developed more kinks and desires for sex and romance that just didn’t exist in romance novels, I was bored and gave up on them. Since…
I am a RH junkie, and even I have a hard time with the Melbourne cast. I mostly watch in anticipation of when Gina finally reveals that she is actually a man in drag.
As a lady in my 40s, like some of the housewives, statement necklaces are like peacocking that is harder to do when you are expected to be a respectable adult.
Heterosexual women spend so much time acting as the keeper of men’s feelings. There’s this entire category of emotional labor around their insecurities.
“She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me.” = TOTAL REGENCY NEG
I think this was mentioned in another post, but go onto—they have reviews, interviews and basically everything you need to make an informed reading choice. (paranormals, modern day, regency, out edges of the earth—its all there) Bonus—it is fucking hilarious.
As a dedicated romance reader, I LOVE this analysis. I think you are right about the trope bending nature of the actual story lines - because in the end, the alpha becomes the willing “slave to love,” i.e., the woman wins. Also, when it comes to heroines telling the alpha he’s over sensitive, worried about taking…
Here’s a fact: forced and affected confidence is the leading cause of vaginal dryness.