
OMG Beatrice Small! I still have "The Kadin" - remember that one? Yes, her writing is atrocious but when I read her books as a horny teenager, she got me super "tingly" every time.

Stay in the room, and get the bagels and fixin's AFTER the birth because it is likely mom will be starving once she's settled down. I sent my husband out for food after our daughter was born and he came back with pizza and baklava. I would have LOVED bagels with all the fixin's, especially b/c my daughter was born in

Rabbit can be absolutely delicious. I used to buy it up on Arthur Ave. in the Bronx and I made it quite often for my kids. My daughter still says, "I love bunny; it's so tasty!" I have a really easy, traditional recipe from Tuscany if anyone is interested.

This is the great article by Jodie Kerr about discharge stains. I really enjoyed the Circle of Life one too because they are two different discussions.

I guess I'm showing my age, but I think the J. Peterman catalog did it better.

Misty Copeland was given a LOT of grief at the beginning of her career because she does not have a typical dancer's body. She is a lot curvier and more muscular compared to a more "typical" dancer's physique, for example, one of my favorites, Veronika Part, or another great American dancer, Gillian Murphy. My 14 year

La Carrà is one of the most famous performers in Italy because she's been the host of countless variety shows etc. for DECADES! I think she's in her 70s by now. She was the first woman to show her belly button on live Italian TV in the '60s. Pelù is great and he has such a funny thick Florentine accent. Kind of like

Wait until you're in your 40s - that's a TON of fun because you really, really don't care. I'm wiser, slimmer, hotter, and so much more confident now at 46 than I ever was before, even in my mid-30s! My mantra for the past 5 years has been, "I'm too old for this shit," and I really mean it.

Branson in his PJs - now that would be another great gif. Mind you Thomas is not bad at all in that video, what with the scruffy hair and face fungus, and that pic, blimey! Now I need Carson to bring me a cordial in a tiny crystal glass ta' calm me nerves.

Dangnabbit, that thing, you're right, it's in my eye...shoot, now it's in the other one too. Can't. See. To. Type. Awwwwww!!

Right here! Eccomi!!

I'm a tour guide in NYC for Italian groups, and my clients go bananas when they see the squirrels in Central Park or Washington Square Park. They don't see them at all in Italian parks. I have to warn people not to feed them, because they can bite REALLY hard. They're also full of fleas.

She got a teeny little ham because it's nice to have the contrast in flavors. It's especially tasty cold with cold turkey and STUFFING in a sandwich with salad for a late supper. BTW - we called the ham a "ham-let."

Mummy's turkey with two kinds of stuffing, token slice of ham, spuds, and Brussels sprouts. All washed down with lots of dry champagne. I'm so thankful for my mother's cooking and my parents' wine cellar!

OMG youse guise, they are all so cute! I can see a lot of grumpy faces, messy fur, and skinny shoulders - just like Zerlina! I have to brush her because she can't groom herself properly. She also falls over if I pet her too hard. Unfortunately, our younger cat (4 years old, she's in my avatar) tries to tackle her and

She's so sweet! What a cute face. Is she really skinny and bony? Zerlina barely weighs 5 pounds.

Here's Zerlina. She's 19.5 years old, arthritic, deaf, toothless, and has glaucoma in one eye and hyperthyroidism. BUT she still purrs and occasionally hops onto the bed to sleep with me. She's so skinny and frail, but she's still my sweet, old lady cat. The kids are constantly checking her to make sure she's still