
This. This could be the Head of the Arrow…

Actually kinda dug the movie.. but SCREW THAT WE NEED THE JAUNT!!1!

Love that guy, warts and all… Good Times spoke to tons of Black folks at the time, of course. hell, The Jeffersons did, some, too… a return to some sitcoms exploring realistic modern concerns and values would be welcome.

On the contrary, I'd imagine many leftists are sitting and watching the spectacle, munching on popcorn. The guy's so damaging to the right that it's hard not to think he's trolling, STILL. Entertained? Yes. Frightened? Not really.

They were my favorite band for a loooong time, from maybe like 10 years of age… and yes, The Crossing is truly a gem.. that second section around 1:20 still gives me chills. good show!

It feels like this also took a while to post about, I learned about this Sat. morning. I follow Premier, Pete Rock and those types of cats on IG, however, too…

hah, word, ridiculous…

"I don't think anyone ever willingly listened to a Sean Price song in real life."

Dude would punch through school buses and sing like Tyrese…

So noted, that's some nice work there.

Agreed, no offense to Mr. Springfield, but… shredding is misused here. Will we next call Paul Simon the Shred-meister Chops-wielder General??

If chaps had asses they'd be pants. Chaps are always ass-less. In general, regarding that quote, Mr. Albini sounds a little bit like he need to get his head out/take off the asshat.

Is there a Frozen Donkey Wheel, perhaps? Purple skies..

Add on?? Well, dome mind if I do…

*pulls into ArgieBargie's driveway with both a Hemi Chrysler and Dodge*

We were neither habey'd, nor corpd… they did none of that to us!…

Mobb Deep's The Infamous album was a pretty huge deal when it came out that year, highly anticipated and living up to expectations, exceeding them, even. We were all so open on that album when it came out… and it established that they'd grown some (tho only 19 or so), they were playing for keeps, and that heads

Alack, I don't think I saw that in a Clovis rewatch, but every Veep ep has its own rewards… "you know… a girl gets tired" or smth to that effect… classic Veep. The cloud callback is well-remembered, on your part. I wish I knew what ep that was now..

When the congressman referred to the messages saved on the cloud, I had to rewind his blank stare like three times… Typical Mike, great stuff

Totally racist. Now, if he had said 'flava'…