
This mentality killed SWG, one truly amazing MMORPG, which a respectably sized fanbase [for the time] - When WoW surpassed 6 million subscribers in the blink of an eye they completely changed the game to mimic more of a traditional RPG feel instead of its sandbox feel.

This was Pre-Zero Tolerance but I did end up having a meeting with the Vice-Principal [and so did the other student]. They did want to punish me by not allowing me to attend the 8th grade dance [so obviously it was 8th grade now that I’m thinking about it], which honestly was fine by me because my mom really wanted me

I vividly remember playing for the Middle School Team, I wasn’t very liked [this was pre nerds being cool] and most of the team was talking about who would win in a fight, me and another teammate who was also not very well liked. . .Well when I quietly left the room that day to go home it seemed kid #2 thought this

Honestly I played Ice Hockey, I wasn’t great but I was pretty fast and good at defending [I just had not so great puck handling]. I got into more than one actual fist fight with teammates who were bullying me and not much was ever done about it because it was rare a coach was ever in our locker room - But even a fist

You fear for our society because people get anxiety over toxicity?

IKEA in NJ doesn’t do this - It’s all single lines. Must be a case by case basis.

Depends on the store really and the type of checkout lanes they have for self checkout. Most stores around here with a self checkout have no conveyor belt and just a weighted area to place your bag [and it tries to measure everything to make sure you aren’t cheating]. . .They’re annoying and a hassle to use if you

Plantiff seems like a jackass, sure, there is no argument from me here and it absolutely seems like he trolls California specifically looking for these kinds of events in order to file lawsuits.

Plantiff seems like a jackass, sure, there is no argument from me here and it absolutely seems like he trolls California specifically looking for these kinds of events in order to file lawsuits.

Empire’s Yoda scenes felt like they fit that moment of the movie - We didn’t know who Yoda was and in this “pre” sequel time we didn’t know what to expect from a non human former jedi who was now living on a completely remote and uninhabited by “intelligent” life planet - Yoda being all wonky kind of made sense and

One of my favorite and least favorite scenes. It was cute and adorable and all that and in the moment I was both like “aww” and “this doesn’t really fit the current tone at all”. It felt almost like when Family Guy needs to fill an extra minute of time so they do something stupid like show you Conway Twitty.

Porgs were fun - The only scene I didn’t really like, which is strange because it’s probably the most adorable scene in the entire movie, is [no spoilers?] the one with Chewie and all the porgs on the planet while he’s trying to eat. . .It was cute, it made everyone say aww. . .but it just felt out of place.

Nah it was more important they have that really weird artistic floating back to the spaceship with the power of the force from the vacuum of space scene, obviously.

The movie had a lot of problems and was decidedly mediocre in all, which I guess is high praise in the SW universe.

There are literally maybe 2 movies in existence that I have found absolutely no merit in, out of thousands I’ve seen - Because I just enjoy movies.

Looks good? All i’ve seen so far is pop culture characters running. . that’s pretty much every trailer so far.

Maybe if you’d read my entire post you’d get it, eh? I admitted the pacing of the 1st quarter of the book was nicely done and I enjoyed - I felt like the book was entirely too rushed to get to the end in one book and it’s part of the reason why it’s so terrible. With better pacing and less of a strenuous attempt to

It has a huge review on Amazon specifically because of fan service and the nostalgia factor, but because it’s a good read.

The reasoning is that I enjoyed the concept of the book and as I stated the first quarter of it or so was paced rather well. Once the pacing fell apart my interest in the book fell apart. If it were stretched out it would have POSSIBLY had a much better pacing with some tension and development which could have made it

It’s dumb to wonder why a book that wasn’t even that good has such a crazy following?