“We will turn the crystals back on after sales numbers peak and we realize we can no longer make significant sale numbers from game purchases”.
“We will turn the crystals back on after sales numbers peak and we realize we can no longer make significant sale numbers from game purchases”.
Game was fun but honestly very much just a grind for the sake of grinding. Everytime I came back to it it would be for a day or two to blast things but really it was just sitting in the same hub blasting the same guys, just slightly quicker with each week. . .There was no real push to end game or anything.
It’s definetely not predatory in a sense that you totally know going in that you’re going to be charged - With that said I think a system that let you know the charges and offered to let you keep the game at cost would go a long way towards good customer relation.
I mean listen, I haven’t purchased an EA game in years - I think since Sims 4 to be completely honest [and before that? I don’t even know] but this is a pay structure that has been largely a huge success for MOBA style games in that you can pay to unlock specific parts of the game or you could grind out credits in…
How does characters being in the game that you don’t have to purchase ruin the game? I mean it all obviously started with Kratos in MK9, though admittedly he oddly fit into the universe really well. All these guys are just extras that have literally nothing to do with the story - I don’t want to say guest characters…
But farming for raid prep didn’t require being at the raid portal, which was my point. Plus even just having a second person in your class reduced your requirement by half when it came to handing out supplies.
I mean I mained a druid in vanilla and did some minor raiding on my mage but I don’t remember ever getting to a raid 2 hours early to have to do anything, ever. Like if you were at the raid portal 15 minutes early you were pretty much able to do any “pre-raid” things that needed to be done for the raid itself, unless…
I don’t care who you are or what you do - Dealing with people taking naked photos of you and trying to sell them is not part of the job, unless you’re in pornography and you’re doing that particular part willingly. . in which case you shouldn’t have to deal with it in your private life.
Nope played on a pvp server. Honestly corpse camping wasn’t really hard to deal with considering you had a wide berth around your corpse to spawn. But I was a druid so in the event that happened I just quickly cat formed, sprinted and stealthed. . .Then I’d walk in the direction of the guy following me while he kept…
You need friends playing a game to not have to deal with it as a newbie to a game. My work schedule is weird comparative to my gaming friends now days so even if they were playing dota it’d be rare. It’s not all about voice chat, you still have in game team chat which is where a ton of the toxicity comes from and…
LoL isn’t a terrible game, or at least it wasn’t terrible when I stopped playing years ago [maybe 4-5 months after Gnar came out] but the community can go fuck a duck and makes it really hard to enjoy matches - This is coming from someone who doesn’t even play ranked because I can’t be bothered trying to rank up and…
Yes well the problem with Dota is that the community is about as toxic as a they come, and it started all the way back in War3 when the custom game first came out.
I mean it’s a pretty fun game so good on you I guess for making such a back handed comment.
In Vanilla Pvp? 90% of pvp was battlegrounds. Warsong you couldn’t use a mount while holding the flag and the Basin who gave a shit, it wouldn’t make a noticeable difference. The other 10%? Was ganking someone 20 levels lower than you just to feel strong.
Honestly I had a lot of fun playing Guild Wars 2. It’s not the most depth driven game but I did have a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed the musical instruments - Back when I was really poor due to an ex-girlfriend’s unemployment and a lot of issues I turned to the f2p to give me something to do in my very few…
Ah man who needs one? I played up until Burning Crusade started and had about 3,000g at the time [mostly from dark iron ore farming, which was easier as a rogue/druid but anyone could do it]. I had every possible “regular” mount, including having done some epic grinding of rune cloth for the faction mounts but I never…
Honestly I rarely if ever die because I’ve run out of life. . .It’s usually I’ve backflipped into a pit or hit poison patches and insta died.
My older brother is 10 years my senior, when I was younger and AoE2 had just come out we would play together with our PCs [mine being his old one] linked via a huge ethernet cord spanning hallways.
My older brother is 10 years my senior, when I was younger and AoE2 had just come out we would play together with our PCs [mine being his old one] linked via a huge ethernet cord spanning hallways.
Is this one also plagued with 400 collectibles littered around each location you encounter and upon completely collecting all 40,000 within the game itself you’re rewarded with nothing?. . .Just nothing at all.