Waffle Monster

Epic can still get fucked. Throwing around Fortnite money to make the PC space genuinely worse when it’s finally on the rise after being neglected for multiple console generations is a shit move, and supporting it, as well as Tencent, makes the people defending their practices a part of the problem.

Once again, Cecilia, you manage to put my thoughts and frustrations with this game into words. Superbly put.

I’ve never understood the mindset of these people.  I’m close to you because you’re going slow.  Simple physics says if you slow down, my greater speed will make me get closer to you.  If you want me farther away, try increasing your speed so it is greater than mine.  This is how physics works.

I really don’t like the rule where both teams don’t get the opportunity to take the field during overtime. A team can respond if the opposing team takes a field goal, but they can’t respond with a touchdown if the other teams scores seven?

Star Trek is super inconsistent with the capabilities and limitations of the transporter technology. We know they can store “patterns” in the memory buffer almost indefinitely - this is the basis for the replicator technology being able to create a chocolate cake, Romulan Ale, or whatever. So then why is this same

The new slipping in a corporate store. This guy is in line for a nice settlement for that whiplash. Any good lawyer can point out that even though he is an idiot on the field, the actions of the corporate employee go above and beyond necessary force. This is why the higher level pro players DO NOT get involved, they

I’m extremly disapointed by all the intrusive pop up on the screen who ruin the immersiv feeling.
Do we really need a “PRESS X” in front of each door? or an arrow pop up that tell you what you can pick up or move? LET US TRY, LET US GUESS! LET US PLAY!
The game even give you hint to where you have to go, you don’t

in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea

it’s hard to deny that the ending is one hell of a gut punch

“I wasn’t a sweaty nerd, more of an Ethlete,”

“I’ve been preparing my whole life for something like this.”

On the one hand I really like this character as a concept, on the other hand I am annoyed it is another support character. That brings us post launch to 3 new Support, 2 new Offense, 1 new Tank, and 0 new Defense heroes. Blizzard, show Defense some love please.

The Casino planet scene felt like it should have been in one of those Ewok Adventure spin off movies. And the muppet Yoda scene was like a bad SNL skit from 20 years ago

People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi


This is why hearthstone can never be a true competitive game. It is far too random.

The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.’ve never met an alcoholic or looked into the doctorate of AA and it’s ilk, have you?

Even the ‘more expensive to make’ is yet another fig leaf they put on it.