Waffle Monster

I main Mirage because I’m most comfortable with decoy heroes in any game I play. It’s just my style. But his ult has done nothing but either A) Get me killed or B) Take me out of the fight and unable to help my squad. No one is confused, no one thinks “Ooooh, which Mirage is reeeeeal!?”They know where what the real

You think I don’t play with my dogs and sometimes think that I’ll be watching them die in 12 years? You think I don’t hug my 72-year-old Dad and wonder how much time he has left? You think I don’t, on a daily basis, relive my mom’s death? And if you think, even for a second, that every single other person alive

We’re all deeply aware of our mortality and the inevitably of the end. We just don’t want a fantasy/adventure movie to shove it our face. If I want to be heartbroken, depressed and reminded of death, I’ll just wait for my girlfriend to demand we watch, “A Fault In Our Stars” again.

You can like Luke’s portrayal in the Last Jedi. You can agree with it and think it was a good choice.

Yeah. And that was his test, his temptation. He didn’t “fuck up”. “Fucking up” would be killing Vader. His outburst of anger in that fight was only a moment of weakness, he overcame it and became the hero he was always meant to be. That’s not even close to “fucking up” because it was never about beating Vader.

This was a great article! Dragon Age 4 is Bioware’s 3rd and last chance with me. (I’m fair. I give everyone 3 strikes.) Thank you for your efforts to bring light to the issues on our favorite games. This was just as insightful as your Anthem piece and again shows that Bioware isn’t the same anymore. (Although, I still

When the next, new communicable disease comes along.”

Whelp. Looks like I’m waiting another 6 months for it! Which isn’t even all that bad of a thing, that’ll give them time to work out all the kinks. Cause, ya know, a game can’t be released in a real finished state nowadays.

I don’t even remotely buy that for one minute. EA doesn’t get a reputation like the one they have by being a benevolent publisher that gives their developers autonomy. Are you freaking kidding me?

It’s not about power? It’s about the market and how they’re attempting to manipulate it and us (the customers) in such a way that they’re literally pushing a lot of people back to piracy.

So, in other words, they won’t have a big library of games and they’ll have a strong censorship of the games they do have.

I played a little of Anthem early on through EA Premier. Did not enjoy my time.

I’ve only played a little bit of Apex Legends. I’m level 11 and have...maybe 10 kills in total. One win.

I can’t stand Hurk and, what’s worse, is that I usually forget about his dumb ass by the time the next game rolls out. Then *poof* there he effing is and I just hate everything all over again. It’s like that stupid, dirty joke your uncle keeps telling every Christmas and only he laughs.

Oh, soooo...a leader isn’t supposed to take responsibility for the failure of the team? leaders are to be held accountable? No leaders take a hit for those they’re supposed to be leading? No leaders lead by example?

It’s called precedents, reputation, expectations and bias.

Yeah. They should have called it Titanfall Apex. And then, instead of releasing a game that doesn’t have Titans fall, they release a game that DOES have Titans fall. Problem solved.

Yeah. I’m not onboard with this. Not only are they super late to the Battle Royale party Titans? In a Titanfall game? That’s exactly what they needed to make this stand-out. I don’t even play Battle Royale games but Titanfall would have brought me into the fold. But nope. No Titans. Just another shooter. Titans? interest! From me at least. I’ll just play Anthem when it comes out.

*stick fingers in ears* Lalalalalalala. Don’t care. If the game is good, it’s good. That’s all I focus on. I’ve haven’t preordered in nearly a decade and am not about to start. If people don’t like this behavior from their publishers then they need to stop rewarding it.