Gallus Advocatus, Esq.

Nothing quite sums up privilege so well as the belief that “police are pretty much obligated to respond.” Even in my friendly small town community, there are neighborhoods where someone better be waving a weapon around if you want a cop to respond to your 911 call.

To be fair, I listened to Tubbs’ NPR interview, and it did not really sound like he understood anything about how Alaska’s PFD works other than “free money.” The fund is not a redistribtion of taxes, it is a dividend returned from the investment of taxes and leases levied on oil companies by the State, because

Most of those drawings are recognizeable to me as a player as ultimately having become something in game... but they definitely had a generic “graphics card box art” look to them in the end. Muriel is a great example... starts as that super tall spindly robot, in game shipped as a more typically woman-shaped robot...

I uhhh... was into that until it went in a uhhh..... very dark direction?

Ok but tbh a pool noodle is actually pretty big soooo

I never got tired of how everyone croons “weeeenja!”

Did you go to U of M lawschool too? Mondale did a couple lectures, but wasnt teaching when I attended 08-11... but the school was named after him, hope he wasnt teaching somewhere else instead! :p

The writing is not on the same level as US productions, but its got some pretty good acting, beautiful costuming, and earns some bonus points for featuring a diverse cast from a south smerican country. Give it a shot, its enjoyable enough


Sorry, but as much as some people find hunters’ interest in conserving animals so that they can be hunted to be ghoulish, the fact remains that hunters and organizations like SCI are are often THE main force for conservation in the world. Hunting creates local economies with a vested interest in wildlife populations,

White privilege is real, and worth talking about, your “bristleing” aside. However, is it the most productive and realistic way to approach educating children? Not really. Kids already owe everything in their life to “parental” privilege, everything they have is the product of circumstances outside of their control.

I accidentally hatched a baby chick one year with no surviving siblings. Poor little peep... It became necessary to allow him to sleep in bed with me (in a shoe box), because he just got too lonely at night :(

It saddens me that nobody holds what Epic did to Paragon against Fortnite :( You can’t trust them, you can’t ever trust them

So “in the name of ethics,” I’m supposed to ditch Amazon for Apple. Lol.

The scene has more gravitas if you pretend that the stun baton stormtrooper that kicks Finn’s ass in the first one was Phasma. Lends Phasma a modicum of badassery, and makes this scene feel like a full circle comeuppance rather than a pointless brawl.

Please read your articles out loud before posting (or, I dunno, hire an editor???). That’s one of the most unwieldy run-on sentences I’ve seen in a hot minute.

This a sizzling hot take, but gets several fundamental things wrong about the game that lead me to question how much you’ve actually played it before weighing in on it. No one cares who you are? Lol, Henry has come to see us, Jesus Christ be praised!!!

Wow, I guess none of the highly trained Supreme Court justices that have grappled with interpreting that amendment over history have possessed your impressive command of “basic fucking English.” So easy!

Relationships are great, but odds are, an even better one will be available once you’ve dragged yourself out of the clutches of abject poverty!

The ACLU guy said that, not the shithead lieutenant governor.