
Since the contract defines ‘operable’ legally he should be entirely in the clear.

Wow, imagine if they were not bypassing all the laws and regulations, and actually paying taxes..

It’s an excellent question and one that has yet to be fully litigated. Even though the Supreme Court has held that gun ownership is a constitutional right, they have understandably allowed for time and place restrictions, just like the First Amendment. For instance, while you have a constitutional right to pray, your

Unfortunately he is probably going to lose his job for breaking the rules, even though it was self defense. Yes he was a good guy with a gun, but they are banned according to Ubers rules. You think they are gonna enforce the rules on a bad guy with a gun? That person would be going to jail so it would be a pointless

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

Or go to one of those cloverleaf things and just drive in loops at highway speed in 3rd gear.

Because Americans are great at finishing what the Germans start.

Because V12's don’t often fit.

In the words of the Brit - POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Because most cars don’t have room for two V8s.

Why do Americans like to put V8's in everything? Why do American’s love Bourbon? Football? Baseball? Muscle cars? Bacon? Guns? Beer?

Grown ups tweeting about SNL at 3 in the morning.

you can buy 360s for $65k., or $15k less than a Yukon Denali. Now go back to thinking about universal basic income.

something something deliver her something something four in the morning.

He really was just the coolest guy. The Honda F1 team of the 60s, the CVCC engine, the S500/600/800 roadsters, the NSX, VTEC... he planned and developed so much that Honda never really filled his shoes.

Is it me or could a lot of the stories of Soichiro-era Honda read like this:

Houston Cars & Coffee - April 2014

Your sucking-up would work even better if you were using the correct pronouns. Stef’s a woman.

I prefer my Ferraris seared a bit longer than most

I read that comment quickly and somehow assumed he was making fun of climate change denial. My mistake. I think this meme encapsulates the problem pretty well.