
I got 2 sets... both have the same issue. It is BS, and I’m surprised Nintendo hasn’t done anything about it.

I left it unfinished when I got to the Gerudo town and couldn’t find the dress no matter how many laps I did around the town. Turns out I flew in through a completely different direction that made me miss the bazaar. Lol. I did eventually return and finish that beast, the final zelda memories, the little town you

What is politically incorrect about it? Jim genuinely curious.

What are you even talking about? When you adapt books to screen all you take is the script and lore to build a world. Exactly the same thing they are doing. What you want is an audiobook adaptation. Lol.

Godspeed Reggie! My only hope is to one day find a job and position that I love as much as you seemed to love yours!

She looks like a confused grandparent discovering live for the first time

I don’t think anyone’s lying. Sony is stalling. It is a strategy. Cross platform does nothing for them and potentially takes future console sells from them.

It's not so much about efficiency. There are a lot of inefficient processes that are still done in Japan across the board and to me it seems it has to do with what they prioritize: full employment, employment for life in the same company, valuing your employees; all things that were in the US once upon a time. We did

Bit they're not the same tho... 


Culture has been and will always continue to be a live thing, that's spread and morphs the more people learn it and interact with. The Ariana grande tattoo was a funny issue, but hitting her for cultural appropriation is really stupid. 

May the good blood guide your way

I always heard: "so long the bowser!"

Crunch time is a fact of life, and every industry. The problem is not crunch itself, the problem is: are they being paid more for this unforeseen crunch and is crunch the rule rather than the exemption? If it's the rule, more likely than not someone needs to get fired for setting unrealistic goals

Lol. I literally raided Hyrule castle and stopped myself from going after the final boss because I still had Gerudo to go. Maybe this is the weekend I sprint to the end.

Wow... Weeboos galore... im impressed, apparently only a specific ethnicity can pay homage to its own culture with a historically based game. Dudes, take a chill pill, get a job, and play your hobbie... all of those better options than stressing out over a game that is not out and looks good but “seems off” because it

Is so easy to take that art direction due to the setting: Japan. It has everything a western audience imagines Japan is and was... granted trees do look like that in fall... awesome. I am so excited about this game.

Well that’s not necessarily true. It is a childrens product but there’s a lot of adult Japanese that still play it also. Granted is mostly their parents.

Yet there they are with a stronghold on the market and a money printing machine and here you are with just complains in the internet.

Did I see battle elements in that video? Or is that stripped from it? I mean it wouldn’t be hard to also have those and just stream line the whole capture Pokemon part. I’m confused and excited!