It didn’t really. This is sadly when they started to venture in to newer seas without Nobuo Uematsu. I always wondered what happened. It seemed like he left in pretty good terms, but has not collaborated with them since X.
It didn’t really. This is sadly when they started to venture in to newer seas without Nobuo Uematsu. I always wondered what happened. It seemed like he left in pretty good terms, but has not collaborated with them since X.
Touche sony. I’ll admit I was kind of bitter that Switch got the cold shoulder on this one... but thank God I own a PS4. This looks great!!!
Its weird that you don’t actually seem to mention the fact that nowadays a corporation is a person for all intents and purposes. Anyways... the unsettling marketing campaign met its intent, it got them your free publicity.
Its a Wii U game. Eventually it msy be a Switch game. You can’t blame them for selling a new game through events like this in place of old games. They do it for the free PR.
It has, but what is the differentiator? Its really not the same paying 300 (which gets you the overall same experience in low setting) 400 which gets you medium settings and 500 with max settings. You might want to pay up, but I highly doubt that for a nominal boost in performance for a game people will be happy to…
I know what you are saying, but you are implying a lot out of a short trailer with little gameplay. Everyone has gone into histeria mode, let’s calm down and see what comes out of it
I think it is actually the updated MH experience. It looked pretty, but not to the point where it feel like it couldn’t run on the Switch. I think this is the baseline for the next main entry game, graphics and gameplay wise
The engine and assets they’re using on this game is probably aiming to be the one they use for future Switch iterations. Capcom doesn’t just waste assets like that... this is probably the future tweak to the MH experience.
They seem to be going for the Fatality. Sony be like: “we know the XOX is out, and it is so strong, the best. But can you play all these exclusives plus your multiplats over there? No, you can’t, believe me.”
On what games though? Multiplatforms? The same ones released on ps4, possibly pc and xbox s?
Cell phones are not conveniences, therefore it’s demand is really unealistic when compared to home consoles. There’s a stark difference among both.
Except that’s what the online trading community is for... or you know, actual friends with a Switch
No games... lol
I don’t think that this in any way means they don’t want it in the Switch. In the past Pokemon releases have alternated between new and a remake with the baseline engine that would fuel the new one. This “majored mask” Pokemon is a way to still make their usual profits while building the Switch version. An HD Pokemon…
I don’t quite understand your rant. They didn’t say they won’t have other console other console games. They always speak like that(in fact, that way of speaking is very Japanese but I digress). Netflix didn’t start with house of cards and all these other series. It’s a service that will have a lot bang for its buck…
So if Nintendo not being Nintendo makes them even more Nintendo... Nintendo or Nintendon’t?
Me??? Buajajajaja
Didn’t know about that clothes trick. Sounds pretty great! But in all honesty people, gamers, fans are not the most economically rational kind... I’ll admit to my nintendo fanboy condition and how my economic saviness can go out the door with them.
PSO 2, in the west... hah
I kind of miss character specific superpowers