
If this doesnt win COTD, the internet fails us all today. Thank you!

Normally it would be blow. But in the context of the convo, I’d say sexy time swinger stuff.

Never heard of this either but damn that thing is beautiful!!

“as a sweating Danny Glover somewhere in the background tells you that he’s too old for this shit.”

The real story here:

“world’s most brolic banana”


Holy shit youre fuckin dense.... The guy has the social skills of a 6yr old. He actually responded to CNN with “He started it” when asked about a photo posted about Cruz’s wife. You would put insulting someones disability past him?!!

Dammit! I hate it when they’re cute and fail.

You know whats dumb? Asking a question that the article explains.

Youre not gonna trash your bedroom now are you??

Best post in the discussion. People forget that Ford was so close to owning Ferrari. It was enzo’s ego that wouldn’t let it happen.

Can someone please ensure me that the knicks will not be on the phone?

Good thing he “taped” it yo!

This is easily the best answer. Unless you care about resale value. Love that S8. Honestly even the 4.0 diesel would do.

If you were in the EU where this car is available. I think your point of view would be different. The infrastructure in these well developed countries have beautiful roads and high speed limits.

Virgin gives out a whole package of kids items. Also international flight...

Yes - Def keep writing. The videos might be better off left to Bal...maybe Orl....Perhaps Hardi....Fuck it, keep doing the videos too.

I’ll just leave this here:

A baby cow is called a calf. #TMYK