
Tim Lane more so than others. Freddie Roach just sounds like a fireman from brooklyn.

I believe their goal is to get at least 1 point which could potentially put them in the 10th spot for a constructor, netting them quite a big paycheck. I contributed to the crowdfunding and Im glad I did.

Totally remember that vid...He was just toying with everyone! ahaha...

Meh - show me the wagon and we'll talk. But not with 102k on the clock. That thing is going to rattle like a bucket of bolts all day!

I agree that its a long shot but all they need is a jay Leno or Jim Glickenhaus type to put them over the hump. That would just be amazing.

Dont look now...Half way there.

Also, if they get 10th place which is still up for grabs, they would stand to make a boat load of money.

Its pretty pathetic that a company like BMW is still using incandescent bulbs in their headlights. That's why we didn't lease the X3. Incandescent bulbs and leatherette for $450 a month. Pffft!

What did you think of the Alvvays concert? I thought they were great...and def worth the price of $15 admission. Haha.

Also, I met the bassist from Real Estate in the crowd. Didnt see any other members but Im sure they were there as well.

Cant we call Jim Glickenhaus and Jerry Seinfeld? We can have Caterham racing again in no time. ;-)

Also, Im getting in touch with the marketing dept of my company to see if we want to get our name on the car. Would be awesome.

You know the drill: That whole zero-bullshit, I'm totally independent and don't rely on the goodwill of the motor industry Gawker thing – which sits very uncomfortably with the beautiful Audi RS6 I have, er, sitting outside my house right now. Which Audi has lent me for six months. You don't get the RS6 over there; we

Pics or it didnt happen...you know the drill PG.

Hmm...i dont recall the metros. All the other turds I do sadly.

I really hope its not Sauber. They have such an awesome racing history. Wouldnt be the same without them.

Sadly - I fear Sauber might dive next. They havent scored a single point all season. They are usually a strong mid table team but just took a dive lately. Also, cant rule out Lotus falling out also. Where do they even make money? Ive seen one Evora in NYC so far. ONE!

Im currently scouring the interwebs looking for a 2011 A6 3.0T Avant. Its incredible how much of a unicorn this car is. I can only find one for sale at the moment and its a NYC dealer meaning the markup is retarded.

I was tightening my cheeks just sitting in my office. I wonder what the passenger felt like.

Congatulations on the dumbest comment award.

The last C-Class was miles cheaper than my GTI of the same year. That thing was a rolling turd. This has to be better by a wide margin.

My cousin was the only person ive ever known to have it. And before that, he had the home NEO GEO!! That shit had two large arcade style game pads as controllers. Each game sold anywhere from $150-300!! All japanese imports. That was a true unicorn!