NO SHIT. Now, everyone who threatened to "take action" against the publisher/devs kindly OFF YOURSELVES. I'm so sick of these kids overreacting to gaming news. The brand-loyalty and fanboy-tribalism needs to fucking DIE OFF already.
NO SHIT. Now, everyone who threatened to "take action" against the publisher/devs kindly OFF YOURSELVES. I'm so sick of these kids overreacting to gaming news. The brand-loyalty and fanboy-tribalism needs to fucking DIE OFF already.
Same game..
I'm sure it's only a timed exclusive for that specific Quarter.
THIS is why I'm the master race. I own all the consoles AND have a PC. #TrueGamerMasterRace
Same game..
Same core mechanics? Yup. Different Poke Mans, sure but that's like saying "This COD is different because new MAP/GUNS.." It's the same game over and over....and over..
Pokemon is the same every year and yet children flock to that series...
I don't see this as a big deal at all......though I WAS looking forward to using my LVL20 Hand Cannon. Oh well.
LOL dat tandem bike though! I love these clips.
I'm with you. She's not an interesting lead actress, at all.
This is just the best. BTW, what does "chavvy" mean?
Glad to see the insanity of waiting in line for hours just to waste money on plastic isn't exclusive to North America.
Made no sense. Keep trying though!
So you're a part of the problem. Kudos!
...have you ever played a MOBA?
MOBAS = everything WRONG with online gaming in 2014.
Cheers to drunk posting on Kotaku, one of my favorite past times!
Demon's Souls is still the king in terms of lore.
Last gen machines are still viable for games coming out in 2014, sure. But by the time this game is ready to launch, the 360 and Ps3 should be dead. I just don't want BIOWARE to have to strip features from the game in order to get it to run on the older hardware. BTW, there wasn't anything ''elitist'' about your…