
Feel free to read them the riot act. That goes for your republican senators too.

for the love of all that is holy, email your dem senators in your state saying you support them or tweet at them. Show support now. It matters.

You win everything.

Can’t swear them off until after my renovation is done mother fuckers. I’ve got stain going down on floors and I have a kitchen reno that’s down to wall color and concreting my god damn counter top. And I use a totally awesome spot in DC called Community forklift for most stuff... But for specifics like grout or floor

That book didn’t need an editor. It’s supposed to be hard and it’s supposed to be dark. That book made me cry and I’m not a crier. Like physically weeping out loud like a crazy person. I mean it goes all in on the theme. So basically, no not a laugh riot, moving book yes. I read a lot and that was one of the best

Yeah I’m not sure where this not having plus size argument came in.

Am I missing something? Lands End has plus sized clothes and swim wear. I used to shop there when I was plus sized and I noticed they still have them now and I’m no longer a plus.

WHY IS THIS EVEN A LYRIC VIDEO THO? I taped this off the radio and listened to it on repeat like 100 times a day. Like I could do a dramatic reading of this song from memory.

Someone’s watched The Island one too many times.

This is pretty bullshit. Like of all the things we can be working for equality for... Let’s start with the draft. Forget the pay gap. You want to be equal? Draft up ladies!

In the winter, I grow a full bush. In the summer I do a bathing suit trim down. I did that whole nude thing like once and was like this is bullshit time intensive painful shit I’m doing for no purpose lol. I mean I shave my legs and my underarms because i prefer how it feels. My lady garden is well pruned and i don’t

Maybe don’t go full hairless down there and you don’t have to worry about any labia issues. I’ve been wearing yoga pants for like 10 years now around the house and now leggings and I don’t have these issues. Also I don’t hate myself. Like my vagina is my vagina. It does all the things it’s supposed to do. I’m not

I have no idea why you’re still grey. I think this whole, everything is hunky dory routine was just that a routine. I mean hurt feelings, I get, but this is more a don’t let the door hit you on the behind on the way out.

That show was hella awkward. Like forced and just off. But props to Kelly for addressing it. I have a feeling this transition is going to happen sooner rather than later.

that’s a lot of privilege you’ve got twisted up in that post. It just wrecked my brain and returned an error symbol. And I think you need to take time to read my post. The point is everybody is related. This is a fact. Which makes life complicated. It’d be super great if people of the south would stop defending their

Now playing

I’m not wading thru all of these comments, so apologies if it’s been said... But did ya happen to see Chris Rock’s documentary Good Hair? You know the one Oprah went nuts about... and how they go to India, and show you where the real hair weaves come from? You know the heads of Indian Women. Just throwing it out

Jim Webb needs to sit the fuck down. Older Virginia Democrats are some of the strangest beings. It’s like they’re “liberal” except where you know acknowledging slavery and human decency are concerned. And come for me, I grew up as a POC in Virginia... twasn’t a great time. I had a history teacher who told a room full

I kind of feel like Amber Marchese is full of shit. I think she’s pretending we didn’t watch her husband swing out like all the time on TV last year or whatever.

Land’s End Swim Suits are amazing and suprisingly stylish for actual outdoors stuff. I don’t care what anyone says, if you plan on being active they are actually decent.

You didn’t find it odd that in NYC he only was bringing 20,000 people? I was kind of worried until I heard the numbers. That’s kind of a light haul for NY. And city wide Hillary won. This isn’t a conspiracy. Folks are going to need to just come to terms with the fact that Sanders campaign hasn’t been performing as