
I use uber almost everyday. I’ve yet to have any of these experiences. Crazy batshit drivers who can’t follow directions yes. The other stuff no... So really it’s just a matter of time for me. This is awesome...

I don’t. I think it would be super awesome if people would stop perpetuating that we SHOULD though. Kardashians included.

No she doesn’t. But at the same time, I do get to say gee that’s kind of hypocritical. I think it’s great she’s proud of the body she’s creating. I hope that her daughter grows up to be happy with the body and skin she was born into so as not to feel that has to be done for superficial reasons like money or fame. The

Thank you. I had a seriously ridiculous fight with a friend over this tonight and this is basically what I was told how dare you slut shame her! For just implying the obvious attention getting aspects and hypocriticalness of this. So now you can hide behind the mantle of feminism and you’re bullet-proof. It’s getting

So she is ashamed of her body then? I don’t have a problem with the surgery. Do you. but you don’t do THAT without feeling a certain level of inadequacies about your body. Which is fine. I’d love the hear her talk about that.

When was the last time Kim Kardashian showed a flaw?

I’m just not feeling Sanders on this issue. We’re always poor or incarcerated in his mind. That’s not an accurate depiction of African Americans as a whole. You can be wealthy or middle class and still be touched by racism in this country it’s one of those things that money doesn’t cure.

I literally said fuck in an elementary school today. ELECT ME I’M WONDERFUL lol. And that comment is about ALL Politicians and ALL marginalized populations. Women, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Whatever. You know how we got shit done? We did it. We need to get back to that. I’m not expecting a president to magic fairy dust

Right... You’re totally mentally stable. I’m not a hypocrit by any means. I’ve gotten out there and supported the first gay mayor in our town. I’ve volunteered for both of Obama’s campaigns. Currently I work a full time job, am a parent, and am attending school. But I’m not sitting on my ass complaining about the

Why is everything about promoting? Side note: I love the whole Ex-lobbyist routine. Nice way to dismiss me. But I wasn’t a lobbyist. I was actually a researcher. I think maybe you should get involved in government in a different aspect before you presume to know what other people believe, think or feel about

Unfortunately for you I don’t believe all politicians are bought. If that’s the Koolaid you are selling I’ll pass. Campaigns are expensive. They’ve increased exponentially so over the past 30 years. I’m honestly going to say I don’t give a shit with how you or any politician pays their bills. What I do care about is

That’s cute, that you think I don’t understand American democracy. I kind of think that’s the main problem in our Democratic party right now. Lack of understanding how government actually works and functions.

This will go excellently with my Plantation Themed birthday this year. We’re doing it Birth of a Nation Style this year tho.

Nah I’m having one of those shitty days that might end with a emergency room clinic visit lol. I was as super with it as one can be while sick and slogging it thru a 9 to 5. :)

Uh I’m at work and that’s not necessary for this bullshit. It’s the internet. I’m not a fucking literature writer. Nor is anyone paying me. Therefore... I don’t know effyew.

The informed voter should realize his platform is smoke and mirrors. That’s what I think about his platform. Like don’t promise me shit you can’t do or accomplish nor do you have a clear plan to lay out when pressed. That’s MY informed vote. You can tell me you can do anything but if you can’t tell me how... I’m not

Your definition of Moderate Republican is hilarious.

Nope. I’m looking at how politics actually works. I want these things but I know what a bottleneck our current political system is. I want change that is deliverable. Don’t promise me the moon when you can’t tell me how to get there. That’s pragmatism.

You forgot SCHIP. Which she did as first lady working with Newt Gingrich et al. Which was major. And the first step in healthcare reform which benefitted not only poor kids but middle income ones as well. My husband’s job didn’t offer insurance and still doesn’t and before Obamacare we were still able to get our kid

That’s your opinion. This is mine. We’re all entitled to it but I’m kinda sick and tired of the Bernie crowd making these false arguments and trying to paint HRC to be something other than what she is. ANOTHER POLITICIAN.