
What the faaawwk are you banging on about!!?


Evidently they were trying to think of the phrase “well-bred” but didn’t quite get there.

No. That’s a misnomer. The word the SJW is straining to think of is “well-bred.”


What the fawk are you banging on about!!?

Karma is also spelled with a K...

Lol this dude’s Twitter is the bodyguard equivalent of Pippa Middleton’s parody “Pippa Tips” account!

Does anyone wanna make a bet that Chrissy Teigen thinks kid gloves are gloves for children?

Judgment makes me squirm... those consonants need room to breathe!

Her face looks like it’s been Megan Fox-ified...


Thanks - apparently I get my news from only the most authoritative source today, Michael K at Dlisted!!

Apparently Burton is too - aaaand suddenly the case makes more sense...

Fair enough. She is light skinned on the PoC spectrum of shades.

Because she name-checked DiCaprio and Pitt in the same breath as the “punchline” of Hill going away.

This place is fucked with comments you’re getting. Glad to see someone is still in possession of their faculties.

Thank you so much for bringing this point to the fore!