
Devs get DevKits to start developing these next gen games BEFORE the console comes out. Like much before. Don’t even try to defend them, they just want more money.

Stopped at Call of Duty 2 when they added sprint and regenerating health. So glad I haven’t wasted any more money on this crap... and now they’re just copying Deus Ex. Just look at the trailer compared to the initial Purity First trailer for DX; Human Revolution. Such blatant copying. They should be ashamed. Anyone

I used to work for EA Mobile and no, they payed less than consoles.

WTF is a toxin?

The times they are a changin...
Clickbait is the norm now :)

Time to start patching...
Haven’t played since December! Maybe I’ll have at least a bit of content to play through now.

From the creators of Awesomenauts

I keep thinking H1Z1 is WarZ/Infestation Stories (or wtv-the-fuck its called now)

Is no one talking about how they downgraded it significantly since the last in-engine footage, because it won’t get as many clicks?

That looks really bad.

Don’t break NDA. You obviously know about NDAs.
They gun doofed.

They deserve it.

They deserve it.

Yes they can, dolt.

Purchased AC 3, played a bit, was like ‘wow what a twist!’ after the intro, then as soon as the actual game opened up I put it away and never touched it again.
I just can’t. It’s the same thing each time. It’s another Call of Duty now.

well they should.


Usually the content they lock out is from another game series, like in Steam with Fire Emblem. You can play the full game without fire emblem chars fine, but if u want some extra shit, tap ur amiibo

There are also women who abuse men. They’re all psychopaths. Well, maybe you’re right, that’s not the correct word - mentally unstable. Don’t try to pretend it doesn’t happen the other way around.
“As evidenced by the fact that I can, off the top of my head, name five different cases exactly like this except that the

Nah, I’d say that’s a pretty shit situation altogether. I will make sure to not ever be in a place like that with bros, ever.
I don’t ever want to share my vacation with someone thats not part of my friends.
I suppose what I would do in either parties is ignore the other party as much as possible, but be annoying as