
They deserve it.

Yes they can, dolt.

Purchased AC 3, played a bit, was like ‘wow what a twist!’ after the intro, then as soon as the actual game opened up I put it away and never touched it again.
I just can’t. It’s the same thing each time. It’s another Call of Duty now.

well they should.


Usually the content they lock out is from another game series, like in Steam with Fire Emblem. You can play the full game without fire emblem chars fine, but if u want some extra shit, tap ur amiibo

There are also women who abuse men. They’re all psychopaths. Well, maybe you’re right, that’s not the correct word - mentally unstable. Don’t try to pretend it doesn’t happen the other way around.
“As evidenced by the fact that I can, off the top of my head, name five different cases exactly like this except that the

Nah, I’d say that’s a pretty shit situation altogether. I will make sure to not ever be in a place like that with bros, ever.
I don’t ever want to share my vacation with someone thats not part of my friends.
I suppose what I would do in either parties is ignore the other party as much as possible, but be annoying as

The problem here is that two completely different parties were on vacation at the same place.
Sure, make jokes about chicks cooking for you all you want... but do that amongst yourselves. And don’t actually mean it, they’re jokes. The problem here is that they continued enjoying their vacation in their way, while

untrue. I respect Donald Glover but that was a comedy skit.
My two best friends are chicks and I’ve heard enough.

Sounds fun, minus the parts where they were kind of mean.
I get the whole ‘I’d be down for a wifey to cook for me’ thing, but that’s like a pipedream, not something you go around saying to women with a serious tone. It’s a quick joke you say to your close friends who all know it’s not a reality, and won’t ever be.

And don’t worry, we’re extremely wary of crazy women as well.

What does that even mean? All I said was, both guys and girls can hide their crazy, but once you really get into a relationship the crazy comes out. I didn’t even mention the public...

Are you one of those fictitious psycho ladies, the ones that don’t exist?

Exactly. Well, sort of.
Lots of women psychos, lots of men psychos. Lots of psychos. I just don’t like how this article is targeting “nice guys”, and then the hivemind has to come in with “yea nice guys are really insane!”. No, this guy who happened to seem nice for the first few seconds of video (which is the only

You seem to be affected by the hive mind. I’m sorry about that, too much jezebel will do that for the unlearned. There are plenty of cases. I’m not going to do your research for you. I’m sure you’ve heard of women coming on to strange pre-men in public schools.
Anyways, my point is, don’t blame men, blame people.

So Firefight?

Fine. 6.5% of men are rapists, as per BotanyBuff on Jezebel.
I’d still wager the same for women. Maybe not rapists, but back to what I was originally saying, psychopaths.

I agree, often psycho hides until the relationship has really started. But it works both ways. I’ve definitely had my fair share of crazies. Both guy and girl.

Right? Might as well go for the big muscle dummy instead! All nice guys are clearly insane!