im not hatin’. Smash is one of my favorite games, ever.
I believe that he is dead inside. I doubt he’s actually rich. He’s definitely well off, but is it worth it when you can’t even lift a tennis racket without being worried?
Theres no way it was just over a year
this poor poor (rich) man
This is my stance as well.
I don’t know why they’d shoot themselves in the foot and oppose modding.
Anyways, if they not to, that’ll probably just push modders to work harder,
I used to own a DayZ Mod server.
I used to turn myself invisible, teleport near players and stalk them.
To make sure they’re not hackers. Yea, for sure.
Its happening.gif
isnt this done yet
I liked the simplicity of MK2 on Genesis.
There wasn’t too much blood, not too many combos, not too much graphics.
Will this satisfy me?
im the worst online gamer.
But I don’t take it ‘too far’ just far enough.
Please - an article to explain how to play outside of Russia.
Maybe if a whole whack of people started pirating it outside of Russia they’d open their eyes
Wasn’t Halo 3 on 360??
I stopped before Crota’s End came out. Logged in to get that trick speeder and thats it.
I mostly came to Destiny for the PVP - which ended up getting stale quick.
Are they adding any new PVP stuff? More than 6v6? Anything? :’(
Nothing special about this studio...
This happens every other day :/
the only thing that worked about it was the PR/Marketing team.
Anyone who buys and enjoys this is a moron.
That was posted by someone linking to an edited image of their twitter.
If you check their twitter there is no trace. Twas an april fools of sorts.
Don’t do this to me. It’s a secret reveal. It is secretly starting end of this month. Don’t, please Richard.
wheres digimon tri
Is that gif from one clip or did you guys mash a few scenes together?
Did I see a continuity error in that gif? Looks like the sword falls down with the handle on the top, then he jumps over it and cuts his rope... Which would mean the sword is flipped over.
Im not complaining or anything, just, Im not a film student,…
Did they fix Murky yet