
They would need a memo stating everyone to wait in the seats till the whole zone has boarded...then proceed to place stuff in the overhead.

Anyone have an alternate video (one not hosted by fox)? I cannot get it to load!

Generally it is held to Private conversations. You can't record an interview/interrogation/conversation/phonecall in a private setting without consent from both parties. A 1-party consent law is put in place so 3rd parties can't record individuals in private.

It is not a lie to say 'no comment'

Ok. So...Google Voice doesnt belong...considering it is an SMS replacement.

Do you realize BBM and others are not an SMS service?

That is what I call a brief history...thanks Giz.

I thought the F-35 was supposed to be cheaper than the F-22?



My future honda will be radioactive...HOORAY

Well it comes first circle! Gizmodo is apart of the fear mongers... []

Glad to see you can repost the exact article with just changing the name of the hurricane.

WHAT THE HELL? Just link to the article directly rather than getting extra page views for nothing!

Not Tech Related. Write for Gawker...

In other one can use it still.

Probably had nothing to do with most of them. He puts his name first on most Patents at Apple. I heard once he has one for the spiral staircase in the Apple stores.

"Too Many Antibiotics Are Making You Fat

"Here are the top six words found in every person's profile, organized by sex:"

So you just told me that your first comment was completely unrelated to this thread. Thank you for coming clean.