
First logical point made...But...people lashing out at Ryan saying hes a *&^ not exactly the same scenario.

Whether they admit to it or not, they will jump on me regardless. Like I said, no one will come forth and say they made a mistake. Not two threads roughly 30 replies in length.

Works for me. And like I previously stated...It changed a few months after the EVO was launched...

Once people admit to it, in a story about drunk drivers...they will get slammed with comments.

I wish people would read. I merely stated that the majority of people that consume alcohol have gotten into a car and drove after having a beverage. I am not saying everyone does it consistently or often, just the fact that they have done so at least once in their lives.

doesnt mean it was always that way. to say they have never had a drink then ignorant


That is 20% of people UNDERAGE. 21+ is a lot wider range of drinkers due to availability and other circumstances.

Doesnt mean they have never done it. They may have done it a single time in the past.

Not saying its ok...just saying dont be a hypocrite. Don't be angry at him for it and cast hate upon him, if you are guilty of it too.

I never said I am casual about drinking and driving. I for one will admit that I have driven a time or two that I realize I shouldnt have. Luckily it didnt get me in trouble or hurt anyone.

Being in the 'BIZ', you must know about being Grandfather'd in...They cannot make you change your present contract. The $10 is for premium data is for all smartphones under new contract (I am not sure if it will happen on contract renewals or not)

So why are you posting? I said in reference to people who consume alcohol.

I didnt say consistent drunk drivers...I said people whom have done it at least once. Go to the local bar and see how many people leave fit to drive. The problem lies with this: Most people thought they were fit to drive and since they didnt crash or get a DUI means they were right.

Of course people wont admit to would be silly to get bashed like Ryan Dunn. A study showed only 8% of americans admit to it.

Just merely saying the majority of the hatred comes from hypocrites who have done so themselves and got lucky.

I am not putting him on a pedestal. Just merely saying, dont be hypocrites. But lets face it, everyone will lie and say they have never done so.

I am sure it was just a singular drink. I won't judge you, you can tell me.

I am willing to bet that everyone who partakes in alcohol consumption has driven on at least one occasion after having a drink or two or seven (yet will never admit it).

Everyone does it. Don't try to act all high and mighty like you have never driven after having a drink or two.