
If you cant see the benefit of claiming him dead (when still alive) than you are just plain stupid and/or ignorant.

Bc America claims it too? If they claimed it years ago, do you think America would be like, "Oh, we killed him? We will take your word for it Al Qaeda. I know we have had some rough times, but I am starting to trust you."

I want this as a telephone.

Well. Wouldnt you want the world to think your terrorist leader is dead? Then no one is looking for him. Dead or alive...I'm pretty sure they would claim we killed him.

Old news, they have one of these in Black Ops.

Cant you see, they are making it better?

I dont care, ill probably never order again. I dont even think I am through my first carton which its 25 cartridges. And I still have one to go.

And still records your every move in an unencrypted file...

Maybe so...But it came with two batteries, two atomizers, several chargers (2 cig battery packs, usb and wall), an assorted 25pack of cartridges and a $15 coupon off the next purchase. Well worth the $50-60 opposed to other's that came with half that.

I am prejudice against you for trying to revive a days old thread.

Did you ever try a blu?

This guy

Made entirely of West Virginian Chrome (aka Duct Tape)

You forgot the option where you thank everyone...Or the one where you do a blanket thanks and specific thank you's do hot girls or girls you lost touch with.

I have a was affordable and has worked for two years. It is satisfying, but def not like the right thing. Good enough for me though. The only time I crave the actual thing is when I start drinking

The dog was also strapped to a commando upon decent. I want to see a picture of that badassness

Do you read? I was being sarcastic! my god!

I've been playing since day one. They themselves arent that horrible...I would just love to see these people play in real life. If you cant dont shoot randomly in all directions.

Well seeing as you only offered speculation. That is all you will get from me. At least I have statistics and facts. And no. F-22 takes place of 6 F-15s, not defeat. The F-22 is a completely different style of fighter compared to the 1-15/18. It is a sniper, not a dog fighter (although could if it had to).

You completely have no idea what you are talking about. Intel liasons do more than just recon. They also coordinate UAV strikes (which rumor has it, UCAVs would fire at targets and therefor probably need a few liasons).