
I beg to differ. We have made leaps and bounds since 1975...

Ive never been compelled to buy more than I went for. Who goes in looking for a kitchen table and comes out with that and a $2000 couch?

I just dont see him having the foresight at that moment. I just think its a scam

What a crock of poo. Read the original article. Who would drink the can, realize a mouse is in there...then take it to a lab to cut the can?

Well kinda sad your IT department allows you to get a phone not supported on their networks.

What a thing to bitch about. Is it a work phone? I doubt it...most companies only offer phones that can connect to their networks securely. If its a personal phone, it has no business on the work networks.

Stupid. There are many variations of all linux OS's. There can be an Android w/ Sense and still be open...

Also costs Texas with a dollar sign

Asus Netbooks went that way...But everyone bought the windows versions...So they discontinues the OS-free or Linux varieties

I thought they were just going to slap some duct tape on them and bring them back online next month..

This is why I install Ubuntu first thing.

Or install Ubuntu.

Isn't it the same as hosting a personal mp3 server?

No one likes rants, stop it. Go bitch on a blog...I thought this was a news site.

I personally could see early teen girls wanting these...

Congratulations, you dont like it...we get it. But I'm sure it has a market. Stop reporting opinion, report the tech news like Giz used to.

LOL@you what do you expect...we attempt to halt the ship and try to send it back to earth?

both are false. Everyone should merge while moving rather than going to the last possible second. That causes traffic to stop. Coasting in traffic is better than speed up, BRAKE!

How is playing with a radioactive substance considered nuclear?