Edward Rosenthal

Nipple clamps?

Brian Doyle Murray, with Bubble Boy.

It's etc?! That's harsh!

You should see a specialist; A radiologist or a lighting expert.

I don't recall ever encountering that album in any actual store, probably because the record shops I patronized were prolly 2 kewl to allow that album on their premises, but I remember seeing it often at flee markets and sidewalk sales when I'd always compulsively start singing that damn song, and then passersby would

"the 90's distilled, purified and weaponized" - Isn't that the formula for Crystal Pepsi?

The students who filed the complaint didn't feel that Prof Kipnis was expressing unreasonable opinions as an individual citizen, but as a representative of the acting authority, In loco parentis, she was exhibiting insensitive and even irresponsible behavior. College campuses are somewhat unique environments where

…is a virgin. - Gertrude Stein's first draft.

The tears of a million virgins is readily available at any Comicon. They collect them in a tacky faux jewel encrusted plastic chalice and offer them in a solemn ritual to the God of Impossibly Unattractive Virgin Geeks. Oh, you meant female virgins? Well, you're on your own there, pal.


Made up, no. But I've been reading about these allegations for years, and they're from some very respected, well thought of comedians who have no practical or ulterior motive to want Louis unjustly taken down. There's a considerable amount of anecdotal evidence. Not factual or hard evidence, but a disturbing quantity

The sad clown, but gritty.

Ah yes, of course. How silly of me. Lance was certainly more naive and goofy than Magnum, but the affable charisma was there. Lance would have been delighted by Higgins' pompous declarations, where as Magnum was usually barely tolerant, if not openly scornful. Lance was a real mensch.

I'm not saying that I conclusively do or don't believe the allegations, but I take great exception to your argument that because the allegation happens to appear in an arguably less than respectable publication that the allegation must, by necessity, be false.

Reductio ad absurdum… I'm not quite sure what it means, but I am absolutely positive it's perfectly relevant to this discussion.

Like you could come up with a better response…

That sounds like a title for a Clint Eastwood film, maybe about a hermaphrodite MMA champion.

Well Peter, at least no one Panicked and misunderstood anyone. Also, STFU.

Well, I'm keepin' it!

Have you ever considered this issue from the perspective of someone like Stevie Wonder? I mean, from the perspective of a world famous music legend. Yoink.