
You need a passport to come here, and we Canadians know very well that MAGA people don’t have passport and would never venture in a foreign country.

Yes. Donnie’s behaviors = high staff turnover. “Moron” in an offal office.

I want to ask if he’s aware no head of state is going to trust a word he says now, but then I realize that this one incident isn’t likely to make a difference given his track record already.

IDK, it’s not so much that he’s lying in cases such as these, it’s that he’s clueless, unprepared, and uninterested in the facts. After the fact our Donnie doesn’t feel a need to hide his ignorance, he’s so obsessed with badmouthing previous administrations, no matter if the criticism is warranted.

I think it’s a little from column A a little from column B. Trump probably thinks that everyone is as ignorant as he is, mainly because he overestimates his own intelligence. So if he doesn’t know it, how could anyone else know it? I also think that he believes he’s so good at persuasion and charm that he could

I have the book at home but just off the top of my head, getting yellow roses means you’re being warned that your spouse is cheating on you and peonies tell you the sender is mad at you.

He’s probably used to dealing with scummy piece-of-shit businessmen like himself, so he assumes that heads of state he interacts with are also scummy piece-of-shit leaders like himself.

What I don’t understand is why he would be so proud of it. Just how does he decide that this makes him look good?

Because ANY admission of fault or mistake is WEAKNESS, full stop. Can’t be a super stable genius alpha male if you’re WEAK.

Did Unknown Actor get paid more than Shailene Woodley? Someone check on that.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s completely altruistic of Access Hollywood to ask if stars will talk to their competing network. That really is a gross way for Access Hollywood to capitalize on all of this.

I filed a grievance on behalf of a group of teachers. The administration did not respond, so this week I filed a level II grievance. I feel pretty badass, LOL.

This is the guy not fond of due process, thinks DOJ should be his personal guard dog, and can’t wait to have a military parade just for yuks. It’s sometimes easy to forget how dangerous his thinking is when we’re deluged with batshit tweets every day. He is a genuine menace to this country in so many ways.

We played this song at game night last night-I had never heard it before.

Only before you are born.


Just when you think Trump can’t get lower, he finds a way.

You know what they say: if your aunt had balls she’d be on the East German Olympic team.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond is a GREAT book. I’d add “And Both Were Young” to this list—more overtly romantic than A Wrinkle in Time. And now I want to look up your other ones!

Minority opinion from an older generation: