Maybe its me but I can't stand the smell of Cetaphil. It smells to me like hairspray and it was a huge turn off. I love Eucerin also, as well as Eveno (sp?)
Maybe its me but I can't stand the smell of Cetaphil. It smells to me like hairspray and it was a huge turn off. I love Eucerin also, as well as Eveno (sp?)
I watched Field of Dreams too! I also watched Goodbye Girl this morning, one of my absolute favorites. And The Age of Innocence.
I couldn't imagine why a child of that age would need 4 root canals etc, (if that was even true) but the post about acid reflux was a great point. Also, my mom let my brother go to bed as a baby with a milk bottle and he ended up with "bottle mouth" which essentially is a mouth full of rotten teeth. Poor baby, what a…
Can you get them directly from the Anchor Hocking website? I would look into that first, or see if anyone else also carries them. Amazon? I am very anti-walmart myself, but if it's the only place, I would get them and nothing else.
What about that Adams apple!?
Is your cat long or shorthaired? I have a Ragdoll and it really helps to have himgate a sanitary grooming, which is just trimming the fur around his butt. I have also found that wet food helps with keeping him hydrated and stops the constipation.