except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.
Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
With Fallout 4’s release the folks at Blizzard might have gotten a bit nostalgic, which could be the reason for this…
It’s the best thing about Gwent. I hate it, and only ever played a single game: the tutorial one. Never played again, didn’t mean shit in terms of progress.
And this is why people think we PC gamers are elitist assholes.
Someone’s too cool for school.
As someone who’s a full-fledged trophy-holic I can agree with everything here. While I still play non-PS3/4 games there’s always a small part of me (hopefully very small) thinking that it’s pointless as it’s not adding to my trophy score.