
But the dragons rescued the stupid RPG party last season. A lot of them rode the dragon.

The dragon ride was fun, but was it corny?!?! And then kisses in front of a pet/puppy/dragon??

I didnt like that Sam told the news about Jon’s parentage, having a fit about Dany killing his dad and brother. It lost sentiment, looks like he did this out of spite, to lash on Daenarys.

Where do I get an assistant like Richard, for myself? lol

Nowadays, you cant compete with real life.

one thing is certain: trying to find reason on this show, is an impossible task.

This comment deserves the 19

So, now Emily is complaining that the show is showing violence? I dont know what else will she be complaining next week. really.

If the routine is “move around” a lot...why is their territory marked?


shouldnt Lydia be able to tell everyone: hey guys, we migrate when its cold. My mom must be in Florida by now.

I believe that Alfa being whiped, is not a zealot thig. But a strategy one.

Best bit: Awkward!

Dont know how americans call it, but I often hear (as a white male), that I cant occupy the “place of speech”, of a black person. So, the exchange between the 3 gods, was perfect to me.

Emily is already complaining about the fractured story, imagine if they insert a little story in there. She would go bananas.

I dont get why Emily is so upset by the exchange of the 3 african gods. I dare to say, that if Odin was in the room, there would still be a complaint, that “he shouldnt be there”. I believe was a great scene, and wasnt a speech to convince a white man.

Are you telling this to Alex or to Soylent Green?

my exact thoughts...who were those people?

so, you expect logic from this show? How long have you been here? lol

well, apparently you peaked. lol