
I missed the excuse. What was it?

The challenge part was the worst for me. The guy challenge the woman, who refuses to fight him, but instead go for the weak girlfriend. And everybody thinks: Ok. Thats a good leader. Why bother to have a “challenge rule then? Even Henry could challenge and win over this Alpha.

before even read your comments, must I ask: Where were you last week? How could you let us down?

Im 37, and cant hit the gym

Please, explain to me what “cucks” mean. (not american here).

We need more men that learn things like Jake has. Kudos for you Jake.

@soylentgreen Where are you?

well, I dont buy it, but I think the masks are made of walker skin, and the clothes might hold the smell to disguise. And they whisper so the walkers wouldnt notice they are the awwwww the walkers sound like...

cause theyre morons. thats why.

Well, at least, Enid got laid.

Where is that guy with the funny notes? Miss him already!!

Geralt of Rivia sends his regards.

Do people know that this is a game and not real life?

Dude, you are one of the few reasons I still watch this show. Being a stupid person is other.

I’m a christian, but I laugh at your comment. hard. lol

thats what bothers me the most. WHere is the fauna? If the humans are 80% gone, the animals should be running free.

I guess, he was talking about the time he spent wondering inside the town, to try to scape only at first light, when the early bird Judith was up.

Not after that Polar movie Lagertha was on. Shame on that...

what a great show.

this t-shirt is gold.