
The tech guy told Loki that the brains seems never used. I believe that Dolores replaced the bot’s brains, or made new bodys to them.

I get that Rapture is a little of a stretch...but what about a dome? Like Truman’s Show? A controled enviroment, where they can set the weather as they want.

There is the theory they could be under water. Or, at least, in a dome, like Trumans Show.

And there is a theory that they are underwater.

I’d like to see “more” of her too. ;]

I believe that Bernard now has the Delos intel with him.

You ask “why keep doing this”? The answer is so simple: money!!!

I truly believe he was being sarcastic.

So, this is really a B show, right? No matter how bad it went, or how almost a little good, its always a B rate Show!! cool.

I believe she was going to take him hostage. For reasons.

And, lets remember there are no citys, machinery, cars, etc, running anymore. So, a heli flying should be heard from miles and miles away.

At this point, I just come here to read your observations. Its the best part of the show. Maybe the only good part.

No. The Office, NO.

Rick and Glenn should be dead since Atlanta, for covering themselves with zombies guts.

“so someone else will be stepping into my shoes soon enough.”

Its Kinja!!

“Is framing somebody for murder really that easy?”

I had so many hopes that Floki burned the temple down, to overcome the rebelion. But no, its just a disappointment of plot. A waste of screen time.

Snaefrid (a.k.a balls chewer), the worst female actress-warrior ever caught on camera. What were those moves in the forest? bad, so bad!!!

I strongly believe you’re very wrong.