Slow car slow, Brazilian edition

In Brazil the Jeep Renegade and Compass sells like hotcakes because they are the only cars on its class with diesel option. Our legislation only allows SUV with diesel engine if the vehicle has 4x4 with low range, FCA found a loophole and said the granny first gear is a low range. And regular people who don’t care

If you told me this was the new GMC Sierra front end I would believed it 

I wonder abou how it is drive a car like this at night. Even with the illumination dimmed still is a lot of light sources at eye level. Does modern cars with lots of screen have a night mode like Saab did where only the important information are showed and the rest is turned off?

In China large grills are a status symbol and that is why every luxury car is getting one. And even regular car, the new Chevrolet Onix was designed in China and most of the front end is a grill

Have you ever visited The Drive? Lots of ex-Jalopnik editors there

Never imagined that I would saw parks easier” as a positive perk for a heavy duty truck. What a time to be alive

[Insert obligatory small pp joke here just for the record]

To me there’s three generations with the two first having a heavy mid-cycle.

Better drive a Saab if you are close to trees 

I’m sorry Mercedes but my car’s sound design is Creedence Clearwater Revival

In Brazil is almost mandatory because the bad roads destroy every tire, including run flat. The space saver is common on midsized or bigger cars, but some imports still offer full-size spare tires like Land Rover. And Audi did this on the Q7:

The Brazilian Fiat Uno was like that. The European model had the spare tire located in the trunk like every regular car, but the Brazilian model reused the independent rear suspension withe transverse leaf spring from the 147 (like a Corvette or one of the new Volvo) and didn’t had space for the spare tire. So they

Ford has been working with Argo AI on level 5 automation for years

I also don’t use music streaming services. My PC is full of MP3 dating back to 2004 and I like my smartphone music player. On the car I usually use the bluetooth or a flash drive on the USB port. My brother always raves about Spotify but I don’t feel the necessity to pay for a service to do the same I already do. And

The Alfa Romeo Busso V6 would like to talk with you

Soo... Spotify just invented the head unit?

I’m usually a person considered a SJW but I agree with you about Apu. The problem I saw on the documentary was bullying provoked by Americans. Instead of address the root of the problem they killed a character.

I played the original for the first time in april of 2020 and the gameplay didn’t seemed dated. I can understand a remaster with upgraded graphic engine to match the second game or bring to the new generation, but a full remake is completely unnecessary. Will they replace all the great acting from the original?

Like that Triumph motorcycle, right?

Is ask too much for include also the new Lexus IS500 on GT Sport?