
Yes, let’s please make this about you and how it hurts your feelings when women are understandably afraid of men.

So I am going to respond to you because I don’t think that the person you are responding to is genuinely interested in being reasonable. I mean, being aware of this, do you also find that you try to be aware of other people’s fear? I, a woman who was stalked and followed by aggressive strangers on more than one

Well....that escalated quickly. Not so sure you’re actually “one of the good ones” if you can go from “my feelings are hurt” to “fuck you she was crazy” in .02 seconds, honestly.

Go tell men to stop harassing and raping women.

Can I just say, unwanted dick pics need to be illegal everywhere.

Yeah, sucks that most girls have. I’m trans and don’t get that anymore (I kind of pass as a dude now? I guess?Gender and perceptions of it are weird) but before I figured my shit out I got creeps too. Though on one memorable occasion some guy said I’d “turn back for” his dick, by which he seems to have meant that his

“Send me a sexy picture”

You know, in an article that is literally about a woman being shot dead by a stranger for nothing more than declining his unwanted sexual attentions, complaining about how you don’t like it when someone gives you dirty looks might be a little insensitive.

If treating humans like humans is a good first step, then I would like to not be threatened or sexually harassed when I reject a guy and tell him I’m not interested. Thank you.

Being nice to strange dudes us killed though. Look, I know that you’re a **good guy** but women don’t know that. You all don’t come with labels. And walking back to your hotel when you are alone and drunk and having someone walk behind you is a scary circumstance. She didn’t say anything to you or do anything to you.

I generally like talking about books I’m reading — even to strangers. But when it becomes obvious the guy is hitting on me and doesn’t give a shit what I’m reading, I start getting REALLY detailed about the book.

When my boys were younger I had an opportunity to teach them how to make themselves as non-threatening as possible when passing a woman in an enclosed space (a narrow path, happily for the woman in the middle of the day) and to tell them why. They were still too young to get it, I think, but I have noted as they have

So take a different route to the hotel or take the next elevator. As you can see, she’s afraid for a very good reason (you are commenting on an article about a man who murdered a woman in vengeance hours after she rejected his advances at a bar!).

f’reals. Or even at the park! When you have headphones on! In a city like NYC you have to guard your privacy and silence continuously but no matter what you do, some guy is still going to loom over your little patch of sunshine and tap you with his foot to get your attention. Sadly, the best thing I’ve ever tried is

This is going to come off extremely aggressive and I genuinely do not mean it to be but you have to understand: Your intentions do not matter in that situation, her terror is a learned an valid response as it was not about who you were or what your intentions actually were, it was about what they could potentially be.

I get that you don’t like feelig as if women are afraid of you—that’s good, even! But with all due respect, I’d have been keeping half an eye on you as well. Yes, living in fear is pointless and bad, etc., but situational awareness is an important key to keeping yourself out of the “abducted, raped, and/or stored in

There is a security guard at my building who I suspected might like me because I would catch him staring at me every day I left the building. I just tried to smile and say goodbye as I do with every employee I encounter on the way out, all the while hoping that it was just in my head. I would also run after work

Stories like this are what make me so mad when my father complains that “you can’t even compliment a woman now without her crying sexual harassment.”

I caught myself telling my boyfriend that I was “lucky” to go through 4 years of university without being sexually assaulted.

I recall telling a male friend once that every woman in my life has been attacked, raped, or physically abused at some point in their life, and that I felt lucky that the worst that has ever happened to me was being stalked and harassed on the street. He was horrified both by what I said about the women in my life and