The number I of times I see comments like “omg daddy” on any male celebrity’s photos always makes me want to hurl.
The number I of times I see comments like “omg daddy” on any male celebrity’s photos always makes me want to hurl.
“You know, the police have killed 26 people just in 2016...”
Holy fuck guys.
You get all the stars for the good work that you do for those women.
Thank God she got a $6 million settlement in her civil suit. I have this theory as an attorney that the only way rape victims can get vindication anymore is through the civil system. I have represented rape victims pro bono to file lawsuits against their attackers, and against the police department, and will continue…
That's INSANE. What a great friend!
a friend of mine contacted me tonight to ask me if I wanted to go see the matinee TOMORROW. She was gifted some money when her dad died, and she’s using some of it to get tickets from an online broker. She said she would be me a ticket too, because she didn’t want to see it with anyone else. I seriously cried. We take…
But I want to go see Hamilton : (
That is probably the most pervasive bits of misandry on the planet, but that was a recent immigrant speaking, not an educator.
That’s what kills me about those types of arguments. They’re so patronizing and belittling of men—it baffles me that more men aren’t furious about it. But I think it’s like the whole “Men are just too stupid to do housework/take care of their children” bit. Yes, it’s terribly sexist, but it’s also extremely beneficial…
But remember, despite the fact they can be driven into a rapey, violent rage by a smile, direct eye contact, or a flash of female wrist or ankle, men are still the wisest, most capable, and most well-suited for leadership than women are.
It is not forced cultural assimilation to explain that in the new country there are laws, and those laws must be obeyed. Rape is against the law, even if it is of one’s spouse. This does not seem to me to be remotely controversial.
I wonder if the course should be extended to women and men? Cos internalized misogyny is a thing that affects everyone, not just men...
To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”
I was thinking the same thing, all children everywhere should be taught about consent and respect.
Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.
Mother Teresa was borderline evil though. She just had a very good PR machine
Guys, I just wished Merry Christmas to a secular humanist and he cut my arm with a machete. Call 911.
I KNOW THIS ENSEMBLE BY HEART. Story: I worked on a morning talk show that year as an ‘associate segment producer’ - I prepped the guest, cleared music/photos, stuff like that. We had booked Celine to sing. As I was prepping, I talked to Rene.(and let me add I was already creeped out because I’d learned he’d managed…