edmund hillary clinton

I don't get it not so much because Lou Reed is unassailable, but because Jesus Christ, the dude hasn't been dead a week, show a little fucking respect.

I think I could nail it, but I want Lascelles as dark-haired. I know that is a strangely specific thing, but I can't help it!

I must be the only person who didn't see Bowie in the role as I read the book. I didn't really have anyone in mind, but if Ian Holm isn't Norrell, I think he could be TGWTTDH. Or Peter Capaldi. But this cast seems, oh, I hate to say "low rent" but I definitely was expecting bigger names associated with it.

I never thought of the Man as being black, but seeing Paterson Joseph makes me reconsider - he has a great look for the part!

I think he would be a decent Lascelles, but I think you once pegged Cumberbatch for that role and now I can't think of anyone else doing it. Except maybe 2001-era Rupert Holmes.

Same here. I think between her not being in one of the episodes and then the fantastic pairing with Terry Crews' character and Holt at the gun range, I almost forgot how much I disliked her early on. Snark machines don't add much for me on sitcoms - leave that to O'Neal!

I almost liked HDB's post then realized I would ruin the perfect symmetry of it.

Let's just stop for a minute and think about how fucking cool the musical guests on SNL used to be.

Same here - I was laughing already at the anticipation of him shooting another mannequin, and then I see a piƱata and I have to pause the show. Crews killed it this episode.