
I'm not even sure what Marxist feminism would look like.

That is a weird circle. And man, Amy Poehler is pretty feminist, so how far does she have to go?

Sorry. Spazzed on my comment and deleted it. Considering all the stuff that's happening on US campuses right now, how much of an issue would you say it is?

Generations is good, but it's mostly remixes, so Colors is my favorite fully original modern soundtrack. Unleashed had some damn good jazz and funk sounds though.

Oh yeah, I see that on Tumblr a lot. "Oh, you don't agree with me? You must be a straight middle-class white male!"

Glad we agree. And thank you.

Hey, I like you. I'm seeing the increasing danger of buying into that mentality that everyone you don't agree with is a single monolithic bloc. I know people on opposing sides of internet wars who would actually agree on a lot of things if they just dropped the me vs. you thing.

Fair enough. But these people, in having empathy for the 'feelings' of marginalized groups, ended up having little empathy for someone just because they thought she was insulting others. There's nothing wrong with feeling outraged and indignant about things, but in this case it ended up being purely a matter of

Well, recently, an artist on Tumblr was nearly driven to suicide because she was harassed by who-knows-how-many people accusing her of being every bigoted thing under the sun, even though the supposed evidence against her was more a matter of opinion than anything truly damning. And when people called the harassers

Oh snap, son!

Can a brother get someone in his mouth. What is it with people nowadays?

If it was non-consensual, then it's rape. And it can be scarring no matter who does it.

Amen to this.

Tumblr is the worst, yo.

That's what I hate. If you wanna troll, at least be knowledgeable about the subject.

I dunno, Michael B. Jordan is one of the few people who seems to be emerging unscathed, acting-wise.

Don't ditch Ice Bear.

I know right? By that point I just want it to fucking end.

It's dumb stupid and I love it.

They'd have to simplify it considerably. It's a tad convoluted, but the essence of it could be satisfying.