
I find this attitude bizarre too. Oh no, a critic actually kind of liked something we all thought was going to be terrible. Let's slam it into oblivion even though we probably have no intention of seeing it and judging for ourselves.

I agree. When I saw the teaser teasers I couldn't help but think how nice it looked.

Shrinking is a legitimate life choice.

I actually had the tone issue with one of the trailers they did for GotG, where they made everything look super-serious with dramatic music, and it kind of didn't work.

I'm not disagreeing, but it was pretty thrown together.

I predict the second trailer will be the fun one.

Didn't seem like it had enough to use just yet. The next one should give us a better sense of tone.

Man, what a fun game so far. It's one of those games that makes you think without it ever feeling stressful. And yeah, it really does feel like a stealth game at times, what with the different coloured shy guys with different movement patterns.

I mean, I don't know if anyone saw the Game Awards (which were actually quite classy this year), but they deserved to win Developer of the Year.

Nintendo had some of the best online performance this year. Mario Kart 8 had a few communication errors from time to time, but otherwise, it just WORKED right off the bat, and how many games can really claim that this year? Smash is slightly worse in this regard, but it mostly functions as it should. And the online is

Eh, some aspects of Malaysia are getting more paranoid, but true, we are nowhere near that.

I primarily game on Nintendo anyway, but they have had a superb year in Music. Jazz, Funk, Big Band… I love the genres they're using in their most recent games.

My thoughts pretty much. I think it was during the last third or so of The Desolation of Smaug when we reached Laketown and the Mountain and it just went on and on and on when I finally thought: "Oh, just end it already."

Well, Big Hero 6 wasn't a musical, Zootopia won't be, so you'll have until Moana at least, and that's in 2016.

I'll be busy this weekend but Smash Bros will take up more of my time. Captain Toad isn't here yet.

Hey, I'm buying it for myself with no shame.

OK, am I the only one who's just a bit uncomfortable with people bashing his looks? I mean, that's his face, he was born with it, so what is he supposed to do?

Yup. There are optional objectives, but it's no 80-hour experience.

Exactly my thoughts on Lost World. It doesn't help that the controls are both over-complicated and very badly explained. There are also no real alternative routes through the levels, and the wisps were just badly shoehorned into the experience where they were well-integrated into Colors.

No doubt. Sonic All Stars Transformed is a terrific racer.