
Usually those dogs, like people, who have dealt with hard living enjoy living on good terms all the more. A friend of mine had a dog that selectively was adopted by her; i.e.- she would stop going home and only would stay outside their door until it became "official".

And I find mine to be very clean. Oh darn, she's got a human name as well. You know what? Maybe I'll just not be offended by the fact that other people have differing views.

There's the dog that was stranded on the remains of its owners house from the Japanese earthquake that had to be coaxed out of hiding to be rescued while at sea. I'd say they have issues like humans. My dog is probably a bigger badass than me because when she gets done running a couple miles, she's happy; I just feel

Your comment on the previous comment was funny and on point. Please write more of these comments regarding comments and continue to demand that people do not demand in their comments.

I can see that you aren't familiar with the proper spelling the Wright Brothers family name. So, if there were no humans before Homo Sapiens Sapiens then, by proxy of your logic, quite a few species of the primate family should be able to sue our species for infringing on their genetic base.

I like the idea, though the human element worries me with it. When we thought about it ourselves for our wedding (using disposable plastic, film cameras), our thought process led us to: but how many would we develop and find blank, and what guarantee is there that there'd be anything good? Still, would love to see it

Aye, there's the rub. The green has too much sway.

It'd be nice if it was that easy.

I loved them when I saw the N64 mod a couple years back. Makes me wish I had a spare console lying around with some time on my hands. I mean, how else could sheer awesomeness be packaged into a handheld device?

If I didn't already have one as my Blu-ray player, I'd have bought a 360 in place of my PS3. Sony is hard pressed to get me to buy another platform from them, let alone an TV.


Because that worked so well for Lex Luthor in Superman (self-titled Christopher Reeve) or Superman Returns?

I couldn't agree more. Nintendo loves to release something we've never run into with every system release which, each time, has blown me away. As for the Nintendo IP games, they're some of the best. Who can't say they love to play anything Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, etc.? To me, they're always the top winners

I concur.

Here here. I'll even pay my taxes and do my jury duty, like a civic-minded citizen.

I was expecting dancing rodentia or free chocolate. I suppose though that more lifehacker for the lh scavenger hunt makes sense, in a marketing sense. I still like you lh, but boo!

I'm actually rather entertained by having been trolled on this one. Not sure whether to say "bravo" or snort (like a pig) in disgust. Perhaps a nicely awkward slow, golf clap.

Be good kids, because if you wrong the robots, they'll serve you for dinner to your parents. Talk about scarier than a monster in a closet. Love it.

100% of me believes "WTF?!" and makes exclamations to that effect 73% of the time I hear crazy "studies" have found something stupid; the remaining 27% is a non-verbal, though audible, face-palm.

Too true. I'm wondering whether: